How do I make extra levels for my rat cage out of normal, house-hold objects?How do I make extra levels for my rat cage?
I would use the plastic lids that come off butter bowls. The cardboard idea will work except no matter what you use the rat will chew on it, so be careful not to put any thing toxic in there.How do I make extra levels for my rat cage?
I use laminated wood shelving in my rattie's cage. Easy to clean and is much more stable than plastic and cardboard. Or you can get plastic levels at pet shops, but I find they aren't big enough to count as a level.
Well you can make a rat cage out of house hold object but it might not be to safe for your rats plus what you might build may not be sturdy and fall and hurt them but they have leveled rat cages at pet stores
Good Luck -Hope
You could use the card board tube found inside paper towel rolls. And you could use cardboard for a different level, maybe a washcloth as a hammock. Get creative and have fun with your rat!
Friday, February 12, 2010
What do you do with a rat that's stuck on a glue rat trap but still alive?
Help! I feel so mean! I thought they were supposed to die quickly. This sucks!What do you do with a rat that's stuck on a glue rat trap but still alive?
Get rid of the glue traps all for the poor animal stuck in your trap, if you really want to set him free take him outside way away from your house and dump olive oil on his feet and the trap. It should release him and you dont have to get close to him...once he is free trust me if he isnt close to death he isnt going to attack you, he is just going to take off. If he is close to death then there isnt a heck of a lot you can do except to end his I said get rid of hte glue traps. ShazWhat do you do with a rat that's stuck on a glue rat trap but still alive?
It is a rat. -- Kill it. Or at least throw it out back so the neighborhood cat can find it. Throw it in the freezer and close the door. do not open it until tomorrow. Then just throw it away.
I always scoop into a coffe can I won't touch them even with a glove incase they bite. What you do after that is up to you.
Glue traps are probably the nastiest of the rodent traps. The rodent will just lay there and get more and more stuck. It will suffer for 2 or 3 days slowly starving. The glue trap is a mess and likely will stick to you when you pick it up to throw it away. If it's a rat you caught, BE CAREFULL they bite! ! ! Of course, so do mice.
first of all why would u ever use one of those ev il devices. All they do is trap the poor animal so that they can starve to death, after ripping their legs off trying to escape. Sometimes they even get their toungs caught on the glue. Evil Evil things.
Now that u have cause the slow pain and suffering to a little creaturre,u want someone else to help u destroy it. Ok take a hammer and hit it in the head, and then stick urself to a large sheet of sticky paper. never use those evil devices, snap traps are more humaine.
Good Morning KristinB
I tried to answer ur post but it would not go through, so I am answering the post here.
I am sorry that I came down so hard about the live traps. I just do not like traps that does not kill the rodents quickly I understand that with a child in the house that u do not want to use poison.
Maybe U can get ur landlord to get some live traps, those catches the vermin and does not torture them. I use to have lots of mice problems since I have lots of rent houses around my place. I have been luckly to get a nest of nonpoisonous grass snakes living on my property, they keep the mice population down real well. And they do not bother anyone and are harmless.
And U are wrong, there is people out here that really does care. I just have a thing for Mother Natures critters. Everyone of them has a place on Earth, some of them just not in our houses.
Again I am sorry for coming down so hard, But i sure wish that they would quit making those types of traps. No critter deserves to suffer needlessly.
Hope that U and the landlord can get the problem solved.
One of Mother Natures Tree Huggers
well they dont die from sitting in glue
it will die from starvation
just snap the poor lil things neck
Don't feel mean! They did not ask you if they could be there. On a glue trap they are not going to die unless you leave them there to starve. Your best bet is to get the traps, then throw the whole thing away when you catch one (their cheap). Just don't EVER use a ';bait';, they will eat it, then go off somewhere to die, and you have to put up w/ then smell.
Sad to say, but glue traps are more cruel than the old fashioned, spring loaded rat traps that break the creature's neck.
To end its misery quickly you'll need to club it. Throw a garbage bag on top of him and hammer his head in with a heavy object. Be prepared for some clean up. And remember don't get too close to get bitten.
If you had a good pellet gun that would do the job cleaner, but it's not likely that you have one around.
Ziplock bag works quick and less messy.
throw it far away from ur house and ignore it, its mean but i cant bear to kill the thing
If you can't bring yourself to kill the thing, place the whole trap in a garbage bag, then bunch the bag's neck around your car's exhaust pipe. Wrap some tape around to hold it tight on the pipe, and then run the car. The engine will probably die after a bit, because of the exhaust being closed off. But the carbon monoxide will kill the animal well before the engine dies. This is probably one of the most humane ways, short of lethal injection or electrocution (I won't go there...) You could probably also weigh the thing down in a tub of water. But gas is more humane than drowning.
Whatever you do, DON'T leave it out somewhere for other animals to get, unless you are so morbid you want to see the other ones get stuck in the glue as well. That stuff is messy.
poor guy thats why I hate those things.
you have to either hit him with a shovel or drowned him. either way its not a nice experience for you (and definitely not for him)
Get rid of the glue traps all for the poor animal stuck in your trap, if you really want to set him free take him outside way away from your house and dump olive oil on his feet and the trap. It should release him and you dont have to get close to him...once he is free trust me if he isnt close to death he isnt going to attack you, he is just going to take off. If he is close to death then there isnt a heck of a lot you can do except to end his I said get rid of hte glue traps. ShazWhat do you do with a rat that's stuck on a glue rat trap but still alive?
It is a rat. -- Kill it. Or at least throw it out back so the neighborhood cat can find it. Throw it in the freezer and close the door. do not open it until tomorrow. Then just throw it away.
I always scoop into a coffe can I won't touch them even with a glove incase they bite. What you do after that is up to you.
Glue traps are probably the nastiest of the rodent traps. The rodent will just lay there and get more and more stuck. It will suffer for 2 or 3 days slowly starving. The glue trap is a mess and likely will stick to you when you pick it up to throw it away. If it's a rat you caught, BE CAREFULL they bite! ! ! Of course, so do mice.
first of all why would u ever use one of those ev il devices. All they do is trap the poor animal so that they can starve to death, after ripping their legs off trying to escape. Sometimes they even get their toungs caught on the glue. Evil Evil things.
Now that u have cause the slow pain and suffering to a little creaturre,u want someone else to help u destroy it. Ok take a hammer and hit it in the head, and then stick urself to a large sheet of sticky paper. never use those evil devices, snap traps are more humaine.
Good Morning KristinB
I tried to answer ur post but it would not go through, so I am answering the post here.
I am sorry that I came down so hard about the live traps. I just do not like traps that does not kill the rodents quickly I understand that with a child in the house that u do not want to use poison.
Maybe U can get ur landlord to get some live traps, those catches the vermin and does not torture them. I use to have lots of mice problems since I have lots of rent houses around my place. I have been luckly to get a nest of nonpoisonous grass snakes living on my property, they keep the mice population down real well. And they do not bother anyone and are harmless.
And U are wrong, there is people out here that really does care. I just have a thing for Mother Natures critters. Everyone of them has a place on Earth, some of them just not in our houses.
Again I am sorry for coming down so hard, But i sure wish that they would quit making those types of traps. No critter deserves to suffer needlessly.
Hope that U and the landlord can get the problem solved.
One of Mother Natures Tree Huggers
well they dont die from sitting in glue
it will die from starvation
just snap the poor lil things neck
Don't feel mean! They did not ask you if they could be there. On a glue trap they are not going to die unless you leave them there to starve. Your best bet is to get the traps, then throw the whole thing away when you catch one (their cheap). Just don't EVER use a ';bait';, they will eat it, then go off somewhere to die, and you have to put up w/ then smell.
Sad to say, but glue traps are more cruel than the old fashioned, spring loaded rat traps that break the creature's neck.
To end its misery quickly you'll need to club it. Throw a garbage bag on top of him and hammer his head in with a heavy object. Be prepared for some clean up. And remember don't get too close to get bitten.
If you had a good pellet gun that would do the job cleaner, but it's not likely that you have one around.
Ziplock bag works quick and less messy.
throw it far away from ur house and ignore it, its mean but i cant bear to kill the thing
If you can't bring yourself to kill the thing, place the whole trap in a garbage bag, then bunch the bag's neck around your car's exhaust pipe. Wrap some tape around to hold it tight on the pipe, and then run the car. The engine will probably die after a bit, because of the exhaust being closed off. But the carbon monoxide will kill the animal well before the engine dies. This is probably one of the most humane ways, short of lethal injection or electrocution (I won't go there...) You could probably also weigh the thing down in a tub of water. But gas is more humane than drowning.
Whatever you do, DON'T leave it out somewhere for other animals to get, unless you are so morbid you want to see the other ones get stuck in the glue as well. That stuff is messy.
poor guy thats why I hate those things.
you have to either hit him with a shovel or drowned him. either way its not a nice experience for you (and definitely not for him)
What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
What would happen to someone if they consumed RAT POISON FOR 7 DAYS STRAIGHT?
I dont knw if this is will help but I the plastic had the word bromadiolone on it. I think thats the name or it contained that
So what are the signs of poisoning and when I will I notice it
Whats the worst that could happen to me?What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
you would be dead by now. go to the hopsital now!What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
You need to call poison control or go to the hospital NOW!!!!
um well you might want to call poisin control center but some gum has rat poison in it and my mom wont let me chew itWhy is my cat vomiting white foam
I dont knw if this is will help but I the plastic had the word bromadiolone on it. I think thats the name or it contained that
So what are the signs of poisoning and when I will I notice it
Whats the worst that could happen to me?What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
you would be dead by now. go to the hopsital now!What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
You need to call poison control or go to the hospital NOW!!!!
um well you might want to call poisin control center but some gum has rat poison in it and my mom wont let me chew it
Can you put a female dumbo rat with a female blue rat in the same cage?
Ive been wanting two rats but i want them to be different breeds.Why?No clue.Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you.Can you put a female dumbo rat with a female blue rat in the same cage?
They're not different breeds, they're both the same breed - rats. One has gray fur and one has dumbo ears - that's the only difference. Yes, if they get along, you can keep them together without any problems since they are same sex. You can also find a breeder who has both of these types of rats for you - or solve your problem and get 2 blue dumbo siblings and that way they came from the same breeder/litter and should get along fine. You are not going to find dumbos or blues in a big box pet store unless someone screwed up somewhere. Find a local rescue or shelter, or a good local breeder (you might need to get on a waiting list).Can you put a female dumbo rat with a female blue rat in the same cage?
I think that would be okay. I had 2 fancy mice and decided that it was time for another mouse. It was a different kind of mouse. (About twice the size of the fancy mice but not as big as a rat) They were a bit mean at first but after I kept an eye on them they got along. After that they were all best friends. Haha! :) Good Luck!
- Nicole
yes, but take them both in to neutral territory first, bed, floor, ect ect. just not the cage, let them get used to each other and then put them together. you can put any kind of rat with any kind of rat you want to. its just a matter of them getting along and getting to know each other in a non threatening manner
Yes, what mudd said. They're not different breeds, they're just have different markings.
And it'll be fine as long as you introduce them to each other slowly.
Or, get two from the same litter and you won't have any problems as long as they're the same sex.
They're not different breeds, they're both the same breed - rats. One has gray fur and one has dumbo ears - that's the only difference. Yes, if they get along, you can keep them together without any problems since they are same sex. You can also find a breeder who has both of these types of rats for you - or solve your problem and get 2 blue dumbo siblings and that way they came from the same breeder/litter and should get along fine. You are not going to find dumbos or blues in a big box pet store unless someone screwed up somewhere. Find a local rescue or shelter, or a good local breeder (you might need to get on a waiting list).Can you put a female dumbo rat with a female blue rat in the same cage?
I think that would be okay. I had 2 fancy mice and decided that it was time for another mouse. It was a different kind of mouse. (About twice the size of the fancy mice but not as big as a rat) They were a bit mean at first but after I kept an eye on them they got along. After that they were all best friends. Haha! :) Good Luck!
- Nicole
yes, but take them both in to neutral territory first, bed, floor, ect ect. just not the cage, let them get used to each other and then put them together. you can put any kind of rat with any kind of rat you want to. its just a matter of them getting along and getting to know each other in a non threatening manner
Yes, what mudd said. They're not different breeds, they're just have different markings.
And it'll be fine as long as you introduce them to each other slowly.
Or, get two from the same litter and you won't have any problems as long as they're the same sex.
My pet rat won't wear his harness, how do I get him comfortable in it?
I recently bought a harness for my pet rat because they need lots of interaction, and it can get boring in my apartment. I've seen people walking their pet rats, and wish mine would learn to enjoy it. He just plops down on his furry butt and cries in complaint. He's not really squeaking like a rat in pain, just one of his frustrated squeaks he makes when I take his snacks away. Help?My pet rat won't wear his harness, how do I get him comfortable in it?
Interaction means he can play with you on the bed or sofa, at your computer, in the bathtub, etc., you don't necessarily need to take him for a walk, but if you want to, then try the steps below.
You have to realize this is new for him and he will have to get used to it first. Put it on and since he likes to plop down, put him up on your shoulder and walk around the apartment with him. Do this several times. This will let him know you are not going to let anything happen to him. You can also take him outside this way, harness on, but up on your shoulder. Graduate to the sofa or bed and see if he will walk on his own. Once he does this a few times, then graduate to the floor and see how it goes. If all is well, then try taking him outside and see if he likes the ground, once again, this will be a new area, so it might take a few tries.
I hope this information helps you.
Pet Rat ForumMy pet rat won't wear his harness, how do I get him comfortable in it?
get him used to it by walking him round the house.
I never managed to get any of my rats to walk in the harness, the most I got out of them was a tolerance of wearing it for short periods of time. I'd suggest getting a second rat so you don't feel so bad about him being by himself.鈥?/a>
pretty much the only way is to try and try and try with the harness.
just keep it on him all the time so he gets used to it. Or make it something good like treats=harness
Interaction means he can play with you on the bed or sofa, at your computer, in the bathtub, etc., you don't necessarily need to take him for a walk, but if you want to, then try the steps below.
You have to realize this is new for him and he will have to get used to it first. Put it on and since he likes to plop down, put him up on your shoulder and walk around the apartment with him. Do this several times. This will let him know you are not going to let anything happen to him. You can also take him outside this way, harness on, but up on your shoulder. Graduate to the sofa or bed and see if he will walk on his own. Once he does this a few times, then graduate to the floor and see how it goes. If all is well, then try taking him outside and see if he likes the ground, once again, this will be a new area, so it might take a few tries.
I hope this information helps you.
Pet Rat ForumMy pet rat won't wear his harness, how do I get him comfortable in it?
get him used to it by walking him round the house.
I never managed to get any of my rats to walk in the harness, the most I got out of them was a tolerance of wearing it for short periods of time. I'd suggest getting a second rat so you don't feel so bad about him being by himself.鈥?/a>
pretty much the only way is to try and try and try with the harness.
just keep it on him all the time so he gets used to it. Or make it something good like treats=harness
How much would a hamster,gerbil or a rat costs at a regular pet store?
I about to go out and buy one of the three and I would like to know how much they cost before I go out and get one and wich one would you personally rather have and why?How much would a hamster,gerbil or a rat costs at a regular pet store?
well if you go to petco, there is an adoption table (usally)
and they usally have rats on the adoption table
and anything that is on the adoption table is free
but a normal rat would cost about 3-10$
which isnt so bad. i prefer to have rats because hamster and gerbils are more likly to bite but can still be very loving like all critters. have fun with your new critter. good luckHow much would a hamster,gerbil or a rat costs at a regular pet store?
You should get a rat. They are the best because they are usally the sweetest and they love to be held. Hamsters and gerbils dont. I just got two large baby rats 2 days ago and they costed $10 each. And I bought them all their stuff(including water bottle, food bowl, food, hut, and large cage) and them for almost $80 so it is very cheap. But I do advise you to get two of them because they hate being alone and will often become depressed and lonely by themselves.
They're all pretty much between 10-12$
Gerbils are the most social and active. If you get a partner of the same sex for them, they won't be able to breed but will have company and then you don't need to spend a lot of time with them. All you do is feed them every day and make sure their water is always fresh. Play with them around 15 minutes a day and then once in a while (weekly) clean out their cage and give them a bath in chinchilla dust. It's so cute to watch- they roll around and then their fur is shiny when they're done. Gerbils are cute, fun, friendly, inexpensive, easily entertained, and not time-consuming at all.
The total cost for 2 gerbils, a 10-gallon aquarium, toys, food, bedding, and other incidentals is $75-85 they're cheap and make awesome pets! Good luck!
im guessing 20-30
rat prolly cheeper.
i would want a rat though.
Well personally I would deffinately get a pair of rats, they are so sweet and cuddley and they will love you forever if u treat them right but you MUST get a pair no matter how much you play with them. Rata are very social and need company. I heard gerbils bite and hamsters run away. Theyy don't love you like a rat does.
hamsters $10-20, gerbils the same, rats $30-40. I have 3 hamsters all bought at petsmart, all in their own cages since they are solitary animals.
Rats will run you about $5 each, but they're really great pets. They're self aware, which means they can think and have feelings, much like we do. Each one has a personality. You'll want to pick one that comes when you click your tongue at it or squeek through your teeth, as it'll be readilly sociable.
I like female rats, as they're less musky and tend to explore more. You DO NOT have to get a pair of rats if you play with the one enough. I find that they stay more ';rat-like'; if there's another rat around. If they stay solo, they socialize to YOU instead.
They're also trainable to do tricks and even use a litter box.
Here's a few of my favorite sites:
well if you go to petco, there is an adoption table (usally)
and they usally have rats on the adoption table
and anything that is on the adoption table is free
but a normal rat would cost about 3-10$
which isnt so bad. i prefer to have rats because hamster and gerbils are more likly to bite but can still be very loving like all critters. have fun with your new critter. good luckHow much would a hamster,gerbil or a rat costs at a regular pet store?
You should get a rat. They are the best because they are usally the sweetest and they love to be held. Hamsters and gerbils dont. I just got two large baby rats 2 days ago and they costed $10 each. And I bought them all their stuff(including water bottle, food bowl, food, hut, and large cage) and them for almost $80 so it is very cheap. But I do advise you to get two of them because they hate being alone and will often become depressed and lonely by themselves.
They're all pretty much between 10-12$
Gerbils are the most social and active. If you get a partner of the same sex for them, they won't be able to breed but will have company and then you don't need to spend a lot of time with them. All you do is feed them every day and make sure their water is always fresh. Play with them around 15 minutes a day and then once in a while (weekly) clean out their cage and give them a bath in chinchilla dust. It's so cute to watch- they roll around and then their fur is shiny when they're done. Gerbils are cute, fun, friendly, inexpensive, easily entertained, and not time-consuming at all.
The total cost for 2 gerbils, a 10-gallon aquarium, toys, food, bedding, and other incidentals is $75-85 they're cheap and make awesome pets! Good luck!
im guessing 20-30
rat prolly cheeper.
i would want a rat though.
Well personally I would deffinately get a pair of rats, they are so sweet and cuddley and they will love you forever if u treat them right but you MUST get a pair no matter how much you play with them. Rata are very social and need company. I heard gerbils bite and hamsters run away. Theyy don't love you like a rat does.
hamsters $10-20, gerbils the same, rats $30-40. I have 3 hamsters all bought at petsmart, all in their own cages since they are solitary animals.
Rats will run you about $5 each, but they're really great pets. They're self aware, which means they can think and have feelings, much like we do. Each one has a personality. You'll want to pick one that comes when you click your tongue at it or squeek through your teeth, as it'll be readilly sociable.
I like female rats, as they're less musky and tend to explore more. You DO NOT have to get a pair of rats if you play with the one enough. I find that they stay more ';rat-like'; if there's another rat around. If they stay solo, they socialize to YOU instead.
They're also trainable to do tricks and even use a litter box.
Here's a few of my favorite sites:
Is a rat a good low maintance (not including attention) animal for me?
I am a low income college student that is considering a pet rat. I have heard they are quite an awesome pet and I am really considering one but don't know too much about them. Is a male or female better? I hear males they mark territory and don't want to deal with that but i don't really know. Do they require a lot of maintance? Are they the kind of pet that will just chill on your shoulder?Is a rat a good low maintance (not including attention) animal for me?
Males will rub their gland across things and leave a trail if you don't neuter them.
If smell bothers you, and you can't afford a neuter, get a female.
Females are fun. Males are laid back, and females like to explore and run around.
The cage will cost you the most.
I personally made my cage for less than $10. Soaked hardware mesh and a recycle guinea pig cage pan = win.
Otherwise, a rat cage will run you a good $100 for a decent sized one.
You can easily train your rat to sit on your shoulder, but a female will be more apt to run back and forth around your neck. All three of my babies do.
The food is rather cheap. Lab blocks are the staple food, $2 a box at walmart or cheaper in bulk from a pet store.
Then you can give them your dinner scraps. Cooked noodles, cooked rice, cooked chicken bones, pieces of chicken or steak, vegetable. Anything they'll steal off your plate really.
Litter will cost a bit. I recommend Kaytee Soft-sorbent which is at petsmart for $16 a bag, but this bag will last you so long.
If you're not going to be home much, I recommend lots of hammocks, toys, and a friend!
Two is better than one.
I had one for so long and she became nippy from not having a friend, so I bought another and she became so sweet. I can walk around with both of them on my shoulder, offering pieces of millet spray as treats to let them know they're good girls.
I have one that'll sit in my hood and I'll walk through the store or the mall with her. ;) Secretly, of course.
They're low maintenance in that they don't require a lot of action to keep them happy, but they'll still need you to be there for them to run around on.Is a rat a good low maintance (not including attention) animal for me?
Rats do make fun pets, are pretty low maintance considering housing/bedding and food. They arnt terribly long gived, usually 3+ I believe. Personally if you do buy one I would sujjest a female, males tent to smell more and like you said mark things. Also cage cleaning as important as they can be abit messy with food and what not. I also think it really depends on the personality of the animal.. Some will probably just chill with you, other my perfer exploring rather then just sitting.
Edit.. Above me is talking about cages, but I wanted to add that at some garage sales I've seen wicked nice cages for really cheap.. So if your one of those people who don't mind looking around, that could be a really good find.
Rats are brilliant pets! Normally the males are more active, and the females more layed back. You can toilet train them. My current ones are males and they are toilet trained, and very friendly. They have to be trained to sit on your shoulder, but all you do is pick them up and place them their without leaning forward. Here is a good site:;id=685747
Rats are fun pets and I recommemd that you do buy two at least. If you buy just one, you will have to give him/her lots of attention otherwise it will be lonely, and untame.
rats are great pets but just like any pet, they still need attention. they are low maintenance compared to other pets. males are actually calmer than females. i think its a great pet and yes, you can train it to chill on your shoulder but dont forget to still give it a lot of attention
I own a rat that I got as a very tiny baby. It is a male. It was supposed to be snake food for someones snake but I rescued it from them. I think I would have picked a female if I would have had a choice but I didn't. As it turns out the males are very awesome pets so I am glad I didn't have a choice. Females tend to like to wander around and do their own thing and males are more opt to spending quality time with their owners and sticking close by. My male is now huge and doesn't pee or poop when outside his cage. Rats are very cool.They need food and a nice size cage with a secure lid. But as far as money they are low maintenance. But if you want one that is shoulder trained and trained to not poop outside the cage you must be willing to spend a good amount of time with him/her to train them and get them used to you. I would start with a baby, as then you can train them for how you want your pet to be. I spend a lot of time with mine dailey. Mine has a 20 gallon aquarium but a 10 should do also. Mine comes out 3 to 4 times a day for 30 to 90 minutes each time or he gets very lonely. When I first got him I spent alot of time with him and it was very easy to train him to like being handled and kissed. He loves to run up my back and go on my shoulder or pockets voluntarily. He never poops or pees on me or my belongings and he doesn't chew my stuff but in his cage I provide a chew toy for him because rats teeth always grow and they need to have chew toys to trim them down or they grow so long they can no longer eat. When I started spending all the time with my rat I already knew I wanted and was willing to have a pet that was used to getting that much attention. Once you give them a certain amount of time a day they look forward to being with you as they are very social, smart animals and love companionship. So if you can't spend alot of time you may want to have two as they need the attention and companionship weather it's human or rat. But just don't start out giving tons of time and love and drop down to none because they become very dependant on you if there is only one. Mine knows the schedule and starts jumping in his cage to the lid 30 minutes before its time to come out. And yes they can jump high. I have seen mine jump almost 2 feet high but think twice before teaching them that because it is not always a good thing.
Males will rub their gland across things and leave a trail if you don't neuter them.
If smell bothers you, and you can't afford a neuter, get a female.
Females are fun. Males are laid back, and females like to explore and run around.
The cage will cost you the most.
I personally made my cage for less than $10. Soaked hardware mesh and a recycle guinea pig cage pan = win.
Otherwise, a rat cage will run you a good $100 for a decent sized one.
You can easily train your rat to sit on your shoulder, but a female will be more apt to run back and forth around your neck. All three of my babies do.
The food is rather cheap. Lab blocks are the staple food, $2 a box at walmart or cheaper in bulk from a pet store.
Then you can give them your dinner scraps. Cooked noodles, cooked rice, cooked chicken bones, pieces of chicken or steak, vegetable. Anything they'll steal off your plate really.
Litter will cost a bit. I recommend Kaytee Soft-sorbent which is at petsmart for $16 a bag, but this bag will last you so long.
If you're not going to be home much, I recommend lots of hammocks, toys, and a friend!
Two is better than one.
I had one for so long and she became nippy from not having a friend, so I bought another and she became so sweet. I can walk around with both of them on my shoulder, offering pieces of millet spray as treats to let them know they're good girls.
I have one that'll sit in my hood and I'll walk through the store or the mall with her. ;) Secretly, of course.
They're low maintenance in that they don't require a lot of action to keep them happy, but they'll still need you to be there for them to run around on.Is a rat a good low maintance (not including attention) animal for me?
Rats do make fun pets, are pretty low maintance considering housing/bedding and food. They arnt terribly long gived, usually 3+ I believe. Personally if you do buy one I would sujjest a female, males tent to smell more and like you said mark things. Also cage cleaning as important as they can be abit messy with food and what not. I also think it really depends on the personality of the animal.. Some will probably just chill with you, other my perfer exploring rather then just sitting.
Edit.. Above me is talking about cages, but I wanted to add that at some garage sales I've seen wicked nice cages for really cheap.. So if your one of those people who don't mind looking around, that could be a really good find.
Rats are brilliant pets! Normally the males are more active, and the females more layed back. You can toilet train them. My current ones are males and they are toilet trained, and very friendly. They have to be trained to sit on your shoulder, but all you do is pick them up and place them their without leaning forward. Here is a good site:;id=685747
Rats are fun pets and I recommemd that you do buy two at least. If you buy just one, you will have to give him/her lots of attention otherwise it will be lonely, and untame.
rats are great pets but just like any pet, they still need attention. they are low maintenance compared to other pets. males are actually calmer than females. i think its a great pet and yes, you can train it to chill on your shoulder but dont forget to still give it a lot of attention
I own a rat that I got as a very tiny baby. It is a male. It was supposed to be snake food for someones snake but I rescued it from them. I think I would have picked a female if I would have had a choice but I didn't. As it turns out the males are very awesome pets so I am glad I didn't have a choice. Females tend to like to wander around and do their own thing and males are more opt to spending quality time with their owners and sticking close by. My male is now huge and doesn't pee or poop when outside his cage. Rats are very cool.They need food and a nice size cage with a secure lid. But as far as money they are low maintenance. But if you want one that is shoulder trained and trained to not poop outside the cage you must be willing to spend a good amount of time with him/her to train them and get them used to you. I would start with a baby, as then you can train them for how you want your pet to be. I spend a lot of time with mine dailey. Mine has a 20 gallon aquarium but a 10 should do also. Mine comes out 3 to 4 times a day for 30 to 90 minutes each time or he gets very lonely. When I first got him I spent alot of time with him and it was very easy to train him to like being handled and kissed. He loves to run up my back and go on my shoulder or pockets voluntarily. He never poops or pees on me or my belongings and he doesn't chew my stuff but in his cage I provide a chew toy for him because rats teeth always grow and they need to have chew toys to trim them down or they grow so long they can no longer eat. When I started spending all the time with my rat I already knew I wanted and was willing to have a pet that was used to getting that much attention. Once you give them a certain amount of time a day they look forward to being with you as they are very social, smart animals and love companionship. So if you can't spend alot of time you may want to have two as they need the attention and companionship weather it's human or rat. But just don't start out giving tons of time and love and drop down to none because they become very dependant on you if there is only one. Mine knows the schedule and starts jumping in his cage to the lid 30 minutes before its time to come out. And yes they can jump high. I have seen mine jump almost 2 feet high but think twice before teaching them that because it is not always a good thing.
Could a rat and a mouse of the same gender be housed together?
I'm just curious.Could a rat and a mouse of the same gender be housed together?
They cannot be housed together. Rats will kill mice if given the chance. Rats are omnivores, and will eat smaller rodents. While they may be a pet to you, the rat is going to be looking at the mouse as food, not friend.Could a rat and a mouse of the same gender be housed together?
It wouldn't be such a good idea you know because even though they are both rodents having them the same gender and in the same cage is putting there lives in danger .
First of all , a mouse is a very small rodent and potentially have fights with the same gender if not handled properly.
Second of all , a rat is a bigger rodent and can harm a mouse very much. As it is a bigger rodent with bigger teeth .
My idea is that if you want to have a rat and a mouse , you should put them in separate cages , just in case .
No, I wouldn't. Never, ever house rodents of different species together. Even if they get along fine, accidental injuries could occur. Many people think it's alright, like with a rabbit and a guinea pig, but the rabbit ends up hurting the guinea pig in some way. The same could happen to the mouse. Rats and mice are also said to not like eachother (at least in the wild)
so I wouldnt.
bosleylover :)
Not a good idea to house different species together, they won't be able to communiate, and although mice and rats have similar food requirements they are very different in size and the mouse could get bullied, bitten etc. They could fight. It is unlikely the mouse would win.
Housed in what manner, as a pet. I wouldnt really advice that, Rats tend to be more aggresive than mice. Its not impossible though u just have to be really careful, males of different species often but heads.
Rats typically kill mice. Although it is possible for rats and mice to get along with eachother, this will not last forever. After a while the rat will end up taking all of the food and leave the mouse to starve.
The rat would definitely kill the mouse.
Yes but they need to be republicans.
it could you wouldn't get babies tho obviously?
They cannot be housed together. Rats will kill mice if given the chance. Rats are omnivores, and will eat smaller rodents. While they may be a pet to you, the rat is going to be looking at the mouse as food, not friend.Could a rat and a mouse of the same gender be housed together?
It wouldn't be such a good idea you know because even though they are both rodents having them the same gender and in the same cage is putting there lives in danger .
First of all , a mouse is a very small rodent and potentially have fights with the same gender if not handled properly.
Second of all , a rat is a bigger rodent and can harm a mouse very much. As it is a bigger rodent with bigger teeth .
My idea is that if you want to have a rat and a mouse , you should put them in separate cages , just in case .
No, I wouldn't. Never, ever house rodents of different species together. Even if they get along fine, accidental injuries could occur. Many people think it's alright, like with a rabbit and a guinea pig, but the rabbit ends up hurting the guinea pig in some way. The same could happen to the mouse. Rats and mice are also said to not like eachother (at least in the wild)
so I wouldnt.
bosleylover :)
Not a good idea to house different species together, they won't be able to communiate, and although mice and rats have similar food requirements they are very different in size and the mouse could get bullied, bitten etc. They could fight. It is unlikely the mouse would win.
Housed in what manner, as a pet. I wouldnt really advice that, Rats tend to be more aggresive than mice. Its not impossible though u just have to be really careful, males of different species often but heads.
Rats typically kill mice. Although it is possible for rats and mice to get along with eachother, this will not last forever. After a while the rat will end up taking all of the food and leave the mouse to starve.
The rat would definitely kill the mouse.
Yes but they need to be republicans.
it could you wouldn't get babies tho obviously?
How do I make a cage for a rat?
I would like complete instructions, prices, and any websites that can help me. I am wanting to make one for the rats I am about to get, so, maybe I could use two of those big rubbermaid boxes attached, with little shelves put in? I know that many rat owners prefer the mulitlevel cages, so I need to know how to do that, it doesn't seem to complicated to be, but I do not know. Thank you for all of your answers, and please be sure that the cage you tell me about is for a rat.How do I make a cage for a rat?
I have made several homemade cages and in the end, the rats have always found a way to ruin my hard-made project.
Homemade cages are fun to make, albeit, expensive to make. You're not saving any money by building a home-made cage. You need to buy a mesh that is 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch or smaller, and it needs to be PCV-coated. There has been some talk among rat-keepers that galvinized mesh contains zinc which is toxic to rats should they chew it. Galvinized mesh is hard to clean and retains the odor of urine and feces.鈥?/a>
PCV-coated mesh is not easy to find and it's expensive.
Not good:鈥?/a>
Good: (scroll down)
Chicken wire not good. Rats can get their heads caught in the mesh.鈥?/a>
I checked out the Guinea Pig link and some of the cages have a bar spacing that is is too big for rats.
The grotto-syle cage is not appreciated by some rat-keepers (I'm one of them) because it is solid on three sides and only meshed on the front. Not enough ventilation. Good only for rats that are litter-trained, otherwise it is quickly ruined by urine and feces. If this is the style that you like, start with a book case for this cage.
Homemade rat cages. I know these people from the rat-only forums:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
(enough with the links already! :)
Setting up a cage for your rats鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
';my life has gone to the rats';How do I make a cage for a rat?
I would just buy one but you cane find great ways to make a rat or mouse cage if you just web search: home made rat cages
that should help you!
I hope you find your answer.
I was going to make my own rat cages that were more chew proof, but the supplies for a metal cage added up more then being able to buy 6 extra large Super Pet cages from the site (link below). The cages I got are 40.5';x20';x18'; and were plenty of room for 6 of my juvenile rats. Now the spacing between bars is 1'; and I have to put some rabbit wire on 2 of the cage until 2 get bigger (a male escaped twice and a female escaped 6 times). I have 11 rats and needed 6 cages for them and I paid under $80 for all of them. Look through the site for multi level cages and even all metal ones. Some of the cages are sold in singles and some are sold in multi-packs of 2-3 cages. Depending on how many rats you have or if you plan on getting any more in the nearer future, a multi pack can come in handy.Best of all shipping is free on orders over $39 (some cages have a bulk fee so check first on the check out page). I have bought over 30 cages from this company all in multi packs plus a lot of other accessories and I haven't spent more then $500 for everything.
The first link is to the cages I bought so you can see what they look tike. The second link is to the small animal main page. Just click on cages %26amp; accessories, then cages %26amp; multi-pet cages.
don't make the cage....make the money to buy the cage!
Great question this is my favorite part of having a rat. there is a bedding called ';critter care TM '; it's all natural, hypoallergenic, and rats love it. the rat will also want a place to be alone so buy a wooden box at ';Petco ';or ';Petsmart '; that they can hide in. one toy is enough for a rat like a ball with a bell inside or something.also you want to put food and water next to each other . not all rats like to run on wheels so don't put one in there unless you know they like it . well thats it. your welcome. good luck H.T.
yes, it sounds like a fun project to make one. But overall i think it would be cheaper and easier to buy one. That is of course unless you are trying to hide it from someone...
great website:
hope i can becky
ok #1 go get money #2 go to the pet store #3 go get a cage #4pay for it #5 go home #6 take it apart #7put it all back together ....i dont know i just know dont use cardbord ...sorry
why not look on craigslist under pets, you can get some decent cages for a great price. although with it being second hand, you would have to bleach the heck out of it. which i did with mine in the bathtub and a double rinse to make sure it was free of bleach.
i bought a great GP cage for 20$ and it works great for the 2 girls that i have in it.
although if you have the time and want to put the effort into making one good luck!
This website link has intructions on how to make a guinea pig cage but they work for rats if you make them a little differently. is my cat vomiting white foam
I have made several homemade cages and in the end, the rats have always found a way to ruin my hard-made project.
Homemade cages are fun to make, albeit, expensive to make. You're not saving any money by building a home-made cage. You need to buy a mesh that is 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch or smaller, and it needs to be PCV-coated. There has been some talk among rat-keepers that galvinized mesh contains zinc which is toxic to rats should they chew it. Galvinized mesh is hard to clean and retains the odor of urine and feces.鈥?/a>
PCV-coated mesh is not easy to find and it's expensive.
Not good:鈥?/a>
Good: (scroll down)
Chicken wire not good. Rats can get their heads caught in the mesh.鈥?/a>
I checked out the Guinea Pig link and some of the cages have a bar spacing that is is too big for rats.
The grotto-syle cage is not appreciated by some rat-keepers (I'm one of them) because it is solid on three sides and only meshed on the front. Not enough ventilation. Good only for rats that are litter-trained, otherwise it is quickly ruined by urine and feces. If this is the style that you like, start with a book case for this cage.
Homemade rat cages. I know these people from the rat-only forums:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
(enough with the links already! :)
Setting up a cage for your rats鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
';my life has gone to the rats';How do I make a cage for a rat?
I would just buy one but you cane find great ways to make a rat or mouse cage if you just web search: home made rat cages
that should help you!
I hope you find your answer.
I was going to make my own rat cages that were more chew proof, but the supplies for a metal cage added up more then being able to buy 6 extra large Super Pet cages from the site (link below). The cages I got are 40.5';x20';x18'; and were plenty of room for 6 of my juvenile rats. Now the spacing between bars is 1'; and I have to put some rabbit wire on 2 of the cage until 2 get bigger (a male escaped twice and a female escaped 6 times). I have 11 rats and needed 6 cages for them and I paid under $80 for all of them. Look through the site for multi level cages and even all metal ones. Some of the cages are sold in singles and some are sold in multi-packs of 2-3 cages. Depending on how many rats you have or if you plan on getting any more in the nearer future, a multi pack can come in handy.Best of all shipping is free on orders over $39 (some cages have a bulk fee so check first on the check out page). I have bought over 30 cages from this company all in multi packs plus a lot of other accessories and I haven't spent more then $500 for everything.
The first link is to the cages I bought so you can see what they look tike. The second link is to the small animal main page. Just click on cages %26amp; accessories, then cages %26amp; multi-pet cages.
don't make the cage....make the money to buy the cage!
Great question this is my favorite part of having a rat. there is a bedding called ';critter care TM '; it's all natural, hypoallergenic, and rats love it. the rat will also want a place to be alone so buy a wooden box at ';Petco ';or ';Petsmart '; that they can hide in. one toy is enough for a rat like a ball with a bell inside or something.also you want to put food and water next to each other . not all rats like to run on wheels so don't put one in there unless you know they like it . well thats it. your welcome. good luck H.T.
yes, it sounds like a fun project to make one. But overall i think it would be cheaper and easier to buy one. That is of course unless you are trying to hide it from someone...
great website:
hope i can becky
ok #1 go get money #2 go to the pet store #3 go get a cage #4pay for it #5 go home #6 take it apart #7put it all back together ....i dont know i just know dont use cardbord ...sorry
why not look on craigslist under pets, you can get some decent cages for a great price. although with it being second hand, you would have to bleach the heck out of it. which i did with mine in the bathtub and a double rinse to make sure it was free of bleach.
i bought a great GP cage for 20$ and it works great for the 2 girls that i have in it.
although if you have the time and want to put the effort into making one good luck!
This website link has intructions on how to make a guinea pig cage but they work for rats if you make them a little differently.
What house hold item would be the best to wash a small animal like a rat?
i have a oily rat and he needs a bath and i wanna wash him what could i use? i have like normal shampoo and dog shampoo, but what would be best?What house hold item would be the best to wash a small animal like a rat?
I had a rat! We used some kind of pet shampoo for rodents and it worked very well! Just give him a little scrub with the rodent shampoo (I used a sponge) and he'll be as clean as a whistle!! Oh and if he poops in the sink (or wherever your washing him/her) thats fine too, its just scared. Mine always pooped in the sink, lolWhat house hold item would be the best to wash a small animal like a rat?
I have had a lot of pets so speak from experience from what i have done in the past.
However i have never had a rat but have had other rodents...guinea pigs, rabbits, gerbils, hamsters, etc.
I used to let mine have a swim in my bath, not making the water deep or too hot or cold and once they have had enough gentle exercise and are wet pick them up and shampoo them with Johnson's baby shampoo.
This is so mild it does a really good job.
Rinse...Dry and done!
Hope this helps. x:)
I had a rat! We used some kind of pet shampoo for rodents and it worked very well! Just give him a little scrub with the rodent shampoo (I used a sponge) and he'll be as clean as a whistle!! Oh and if he poops in the sink (or wherever your washing him/her) thats fine too, its just scared. Mine always pooped in the sink, lolWhat house hold item would be the best to wash a small animal like a rat?
I have had a lot of pets so speak from experience from what i have done in the past.
However i have never had a rat but have had other rodents...guinea pigs, rabbits, gerbils, hamsters, etc.
I used to let mine have a swim in my bath, not making the water deep or too hot or cold and once they have had enough gentle exercise and are wet pick them up and shampoo them with Johnson's baby shampoo.
This is so mild it does a really good job.
Rinse...Dry and done!
Hope this helps. x:)
Why are some rats elbino?
the lack of pigmentation in an animal is a genetic defect. It is atributed to inbreading in rats, mice, and other small animals. They do this to produce a large quantity of rodents to be sold as food for larger animals.
What would you say about sneaking a rat onto a plane?
I am very aware that rats are not allowed in the cabin of any airline. The thing is, my sister (in Colorado Springs) is giving me her rat, which I will bring back to college with me (in New Orleans), and I really don't feel like paying an extra $200 to ship him as cargo. I'm trying to decide if I should try to sneak him on, and if I did, what would be the best way to get him past security. Any ideas?What would you say about sneaking a rat onto a plane?
I have no idea on how you can get it onto the plane, but let me warn you. If you get caught it can result in a $10,000 fine or imprisonment. I STRONGLY suggest you DO NOT try it. They will arrest you on the spot. What would you say about sneaking a rat onto a plane?
brandon t is a fake. he's just a little kid, and an asswipe. get a life brandon t.
DO NOT TRY IT! Not only is it extremely unsafe, it is also very disrespectful and selfish. what if you sit next to someone who is allergic to animal dander? they could die! What if it gets loose and runs around the cabin? what if it gets into the cockpit? it would also be coplete waste of money and time if you tried to sneak it on. The security at the airport is at its highest now. If they find that rat in or on you bags, you will be very sorry. you could get your name put on the no-fly list. If you care enough about the animal and the people on the flight, you will pay the extra $200. DO NOT TRY IT!
I few a lot this year. I don't think your gonna be able to do that. They screen everything EVERYTHING!
i'm sorry, but this is not thought out well at all. They have you go through detectors, which are pretty much xray vision as well, especially the machines your carry-ons go through. Airport security does everything in their power to eliminate so little as a tube of TOOTHPASTE on an airplane, they WILL find your rat. Not to mention how will you feed it and give it water in the plane ride while keeping it hidden? That question was hypothetical of course bcuz there is NO way you can pull this off. Not to mention, when they do discover you rat, they won't send it back with your sis or anything, they will KILL it! So if you even TRY to sneak your rat onto the plane, you're pretty much gonna get it killed in the process. Not trying to come off as a b*tch, but i don't believe any rat deserves to be killed, especially not bcuz their owner won't pay for it. Either let your sis keep it or pay for the rat. It's a lot but you should know rats are worth far more than money.
I have no idea on how you can get it onto the plane, but let me warn you. If you get caught it can result in a $10,000 fine or imprisonment. I STRONGLY suggest you DO NOT try it. They will arrest you on the spot. What would you say about sneaking a rat onto a plane?
brandon t is a fake. he's just a little kid, and an asswipe. get a life brandon t.
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DO NOT TRY IT! Not only is it extremely unsafe, it is also very disrespectful and selfish. what if you sit next to someone who is allergic to animal dander? they could die! What if it gets loose and runs around the cabin? what if it gets into the cockpit? it would also be coplete waste of money and time if you tried to sneak it on. The security at the airport is at its highest now. If they find that rat in or on you bags, you will be very sorry. you could get your name put on the no-fly list. If you care enough about the animal and the people on the flight, you will pay the extra $200. DO NOT TRY IT!
I few a lot this year. I don't think your gonna be able to do that. They screen everything EVERYTHING!
i'm sorry, but this is not thought out well at all. They have you go through detectors, which are pretty much xray vision as well, especially the machines your carry-ons go through. Airport security does everything in their power to eliminate so little as a tube of TOOTHPASTE on an airplane, they WILL find your rat. Not to mention how will you feed it and give it water in the plane ride while keeping it hidden? That question was hypothetical of course bcuz there is NO way you can pull this off. Not to mention, when they do discover you rat, they won't send it back with your sis or anything, they will KILL it! So if you even TRY to sneak your rat onto the plane, you're pretty much gonna get it killed in the process. Not trying to come off as a b*tch, but i don't believe any rat deserves to be killed, especially not bcuz their owner won't pay for it. Either let your sis keep it or pay for the rat. It's a lot but you should know rats are worth far more than money.
My rat terrier mix came in from outside and her rectum was bleeding, what could have caused this?
The bleeding has slowed down, but she is not acting her normal self. It is after hours for the vet and I live in the middle of nowhere.My rat terrier mix came in from outside and her rectum was bleeding, what could have caused this?
have you give her any bones to eat? or has she been chewing any sticks etc, anything that can splinter and isn't digested properly. if so it may be that she hasn't been able to pass it easily and it cut her. this happens more often if they have been eating longish grass that gets tangled sometimes and traps the object in a funny position.
my staff had this problem once or twice, i rang the vet and they told me to look at her poo an see if it had anything in it what could have caused a cut or if my dog kept wiping its bum on the floor repeatedly (this could mean there's still something inside).
ring the vet and ask what they think.
hope your dogs well soon.My rat terrier mix came in from outside and her rectum was bleeding, what could have caused this?
Dogs need to have the anal sacs emptied by a professional from time to time. If not done, they can rupture. If your dog has been scooting it's rear on the floor or grass, and they were overdue on being emptied, it could have caused them to rupture. You need to see a vet asap.
Doesn't sound good,could be worms, hemorrhoids, or far worse cancer. Time to go to the vet.
is there another dog around???
Maybe if she wasn't having normal bowel movements she could have been constipated and maybe while relieving herself she tore some rectal tissues which might cause heavy bleeding I would think. It's an idea.
Does your dog have a fever? If so, guess what you get to do tonight. Next thing is are you sure it's coming out of her rectum? Female dogs have more in that area to be concerned with. Blot a paper towel square back there and see for sure where it's coming from.
could ahve been a big crap, my girl dog has had that happen to her, but it could be something serious, go to a vet
have you give her any bones to eat? or has she been chewing any sticks etc, anything that can splinter and isn't digested properly. if so it may be that she hasn't been able to pass it easily and it cut her. this happens more often if they have been eating longish grass that gets tangled sometimes and traps the object in a funny position.
my staff had this problem once or twice, i rang the vet and they told me to look at her poo an see if it had anything in it what could have caused a cut or if my dog kept wiping its bum on the floor repeatedly (this could mean there's still something inside).
ring the vet and ask what they think.
hope your dogs well soon.My rat terrier mix came in from outside and her rectum was bleeding, what could have caused this?
Dogs need to have the anal sacs emptied by a professional from time to time. If not done, they can rupture. If your dog has been scooting it's rear on the floor or grass, and they were overdue on being emptied, it could have caused them to rupture. You need to see a vet asap.
Doesn't sound good,could be worms, hemorrhoids, or far worse cancer. Time to go to the vet.
is there another dog around???
Maybe if she wasn't having normal bowel movements she could have been constipated and maybe while relieving herself she tore some rectal tissues which might cause heavy bleeding I would think. It's an idea.
Does your dog have a fever? If so, guess what you get to do tonight. Next thing is are you sure it's coming out of her rectum? Female dogs have more in that area to be concerned with. Blot a paper towel square back there and see for sure where it's coming from.
could ahve been a big crap, my girl dog has had that happen to her, but it could be something serious, go to a vet
My 2 female rats are pregnant can i leave her last litter in the cage with her?
her last litter i split up (male and female) can i leave the females from the last litter in the same cage i heard all the females will get along but im worried about the last litter are all still very playful and roll around and jump all over the place and im worried that they might jump and roll all over the new babies also there is a bunch of homes for them all will the mother keep them all out of the home with the babies in it or will she let them play all over the babiesMy 2 female rats are pregnant can i leave her last litter in the cage with her?
If her last litter are still young enough to be playing and jumping around the cage then any of her boistrous girls could accidently injure a pinky. I would remove the children and leave the two pregnant girls together. Rats are communual animals and the pregnant girls could welcome the company of each other. The only exception would be that closer to the birth, one of the mothers-to-be might get hormonal and thus testy with her cage mate. In this case they will have to be separated to raise their young each on her own.
Think before you breed:鈥?/a>
Breeding rats:鈥?/a>
';my life has gone to the rats';My 2 female rats are pregnant can i leave her last litter in the cage with her?
I think to be safe, split them up...
Well if I were you, I would put the pregnet one in a box. Not the cage because your others could stress it and cause death. But still put water and food in the box. Put her in a quiet small room. Like a bathroom.
It's probably best to separate the pregnant rat from the rest, just to lessen stress and allow her to do her motherly job easier.
Why are you breeding them anyways? Especially since you still have youngsters from the last litter, that you haven't found homes for yet.
Keep the males %26amp; females separated, because it can get out of hand before you realize you are over your head.
you should keep them in differrent place
You don't say how many girls are left from the last litter, nor how big a cage you have them all in. This can make a huge difference in the answer.
If you are talking two or three girls and a fairly large cage, you could be fine, though to be honest it is not something I personally would recommend or do.
When my females are bred, they are teamed up with a non-pregnant female (obviously that they get along with) and they stay together through the raising of the pups. You could do something like that with your youngsters, but I think it would be best for only one mom with one or two youngsters per cage. Pinkies are very hardy little creatures. Mother Nature has made sure of that for their survival. It is unlikely that simple ';pop corning'; older siblings will cause any harm, and if they are too rambunctious you can be sure momma rat will let them know in no uncertain terms! Obviously you will need to keep an eye on them both before and after the babies are born. If they are constantly getting ';corrected'; by momma or if they are acting in any way that cause you concern for the safety of the babies or themselves you will need to get them out of there! I've never had to do so, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. We always have to expect the unexpected with our pets!
It is amazing to watch how the younger females learn from the momma rat all the intricacies of raising babies. It also lets momma rat take breaks from the babies while ensuring that they don't get cold. In some cases I strongly suspect that the non-pregnant rats actually lactate and help the momma in that way as well!!
Some of the other answers have had some valid ';food for thought'; for you as well, BTW. Rats can have litters as big as 15-20(usual litters are smaller, but large litters seem to come along when we least are prepared for them!), have you any idea what you will do with another 30 - 40 rats besides the ones you already have? Probably would not be a bad idea to start looking for some homes for little rattlings in short order! :)
Good luck with your momma rats and the hoards of babies on the way :)).
With a smile,
If her last litter are still young enough to be playing and jumping around the cage then any of her boistrous girls could accidently injure a pinky. I would remove the children and leave the two pregnant girls together. Rats are communual animals and the pregnant girls could welcome the company of each other. The only exception would be that closer to the birth, one of the mothers-to-be might get hormonal and thus testy with her cage mate. In this case they will have to be separated to raise their young each on her own.
Think before you breed:鈥?/a>
Breeding rats:鈥?/a>
';my life has gone to the rats';My 2 female rats are pregnant can i leave her last litter in the cage with her?
I think to be safe, split them up...
Well if I were you, I would put the pregnet one in a box. Not the cage because your others could stress it and cause death. But still put water and food in the box. Put her in a quiet small room. Like a bathroom.
It's probably best to separate the pregnant rat from the rest, just to lessen stress and allow her to do her motherly job easier.
Why are you breeding them anyways? Especially since you still have youngsters from the last litter, that you haven't found homes for yet.
Keep the males %26amp; females separated, because it can get out of hand before you realize you are over your head.
you should keep them in differrent place
You don't say how many girls are left from the last litter, nor how big a cage you have them all in. This can make a huge difference in the answer.
If you are talking two or three girls and a fairly large cage, you could be fine, though to be honest it is not something I personally would recommend or do.
When my females are bred, they are teamed up with a non-pregnant female (obviously that they get along with) and they stay together through the raising of the pups. You could do something like that with your youngsters, but I think it would be best for only one mom with one or two youngsters per cage. Pinkies are very hardy little creatures. Mother Nature has made sure of that for their survival. It is unlikely that simple ';pop corning'; older siblings will cause any harm, and if they are too rambunctious you can be sure momma rat will let them know in no uncertain terms! Obviously you will need to keep an eye on them both before and after the babies are born. If they are constantly getting ';corrected'; by momma or if they are acting in any way that cause you concern for the safety of the babies or themselves you will need to get them out of there! I've never had to do so, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. We always have to expect the unexpected with our pets!
It is amazing to watch how the younger females learn from the momma rat all the intricacies of raising babies. It also lets momma rat take breaks from the babies while ensuring that they don't get cold. In some cases I strongly suspect that the non-pregnant rats actually lactate and help the momma in that way as well!!
Some of the other answers have had some valid ';food for thought'; for you as well, BTW. Rats can have litters as big as 15-20(usual litters are smaller, but large litters seem to come along when we least are prepared for them!), have you any idea what you will do with another 30 - 40 rats besides the ones you already have? Probably would not be a bad idea to start looking for some homes for little rattlings in short order! :)
Good luck with your momma rats and the hoards of babies on the way :)).
With a smile,
Other than a cat,what can keep mice and rats away?
You can't keep them away but you can get rid of them when they do arrive. I use mouse traps baited with peanut butter. Seems to work a lot better than cheese.
Don't use poison or sticky traps...they are both much more cruel and the poison in particular can pose a threat to children and pets.Other than a cat,what can keep mice and rats away?
Eagle it will also keep small cats awayOther than a cat,what can keep mice and rats away?
Roaches, more the merrier.
Some of those sonic pest devices will do the trick.
Waterproofing your home's foundation.
Get a hungry snake. Maybe a mongoose
A dog.
Mouse trap
a clean house?Why is my cat vomiting white foam
Don't use poison or sticky traps...they are both much more cruel and the poison in particular can pose a threat to children and pets.Other than a cat,what can keep mice and rats away?
Eagle it will also keep small cats awayOther than a cat,what can keep mice and rats away?
Roaches, more the merrier.
Some of those sonic pest devices will do the trick.
Waterproofing your home's foundation.
Get a hungry snake. Maybe a mongoose
A dog.
Mouse trap
a clean house?
Have any of you pet rat owners taken your rat to the vet for a cold?
How much did the vet charge and what did they do?Have any of you pet rat owners taken your rat to the vet for a cold?
Several times. I used to work at a vet hospital where it was free for me to do so, but since I moved my new vet charges me $30 for an exam and $8-$25 for medication (depending on what brand of drug is chosen).
Usually the vet will do a general examination, listen to the rat's heart and lungs, palpate the abdomen, look at its eyes, ears, and nose, and generally observe the rat. If the rat has a respiratory infection it is usually very obvious, with sneezing, wheezing, and rattling sounds in the lungs that can easily be detected with a stethoscope. They will then weigh your rat to figure out the proper dosage of antibiotics and prescribe some to you (usually Baytril or Doxycycline) and tell you how much to give, how often to give it, and how to give it (usually by mouth). They will often tell you to call them in a few days and let them know if your rat has gotten better or worse. If there is no change or he has gotten worse, they will usually switch antibiotics, or add another one. Rats can get multiple bacteria that cause respiratory infections and sometimes need to be on a few different antibiotics for an effective treatment.
I hope that answers your question, good luck with your rat!Have any of you pet rat owners taken your rat to the vet for a cold?
Rats don't get colds in the same way humans do. However, they do get respiratory infections that need to be treated by a veterinarian.
The vet will examine your rat. They should look at the entire rat and examine him from head to tail. A good vet will palpate (feel) the abdomen and lymph nodes. They will also listen to the lungs with a stethoscope.
The cost varies by region and clinic. The only way to determine this is to call around. I live in a more expensive area, and see a great (but not cheap) vet who specializes in exotics. For me I pay $45 for a visit and then medication on top. My last visit for a respiratory infection was around $70 after taxes. The antibiotics were $15.
Just a note based upon one of the previous posts: Your pet will not recover from a respiratory infection through the use of vitamin water. This is just like how you would not get over an infection by taking a multivitamin. If your vet is even half way competent they will be able to correctly prescribe an antibiotic for your rat. There are many, many, many textbooks that list safe doses.
I had a rat with upper respiratory infection. I took her %26amp; her cagemate to the vet. They were both given medication (the healthy rat got meds just to protect her from getting sick).
The medication cost $10, and the office visit was $38, so a total of $48 was spent.
Rats don't get ';colds'; but they do get respiratory infections. My past two rats have had to be taken to the vet for a diagnosis and properly medicated.
yes. Several times.
I had two Rats and I never took them to the vets. My Rats would sneeze and that was all. Both my Rats lived a full and happy life, and you're looking to get hammered with a major vet's bill. The only thing I can recommend to you is to give your rat some vitamin water to help boost up their Immune System, and hopefully that'll help with curing whatever cold he/she may have. I used to work at Petco, and we usually used the Vitamin water to help cure the Rat's or Hamster's cold. You can buy the Vitamin Water from a local pets store; Petco, Pet's Mart, Petland Discount and etc.
Sometimes vets will give the Rat antibiotics, but sometimes the medication is too strong for the Rat and it may end up dying.
Hope I helped and Good Luck!!!
Several times. I used to work at a vet hospital where it was free for me to do so, but since I moved my new vet charges me $30 for an exam and $8-$25 for medication (depending on what brand of drug is chosen).
Usually the vet will do a general examination, listen to the rat's heart and lungs, palpate the abdomen, look at its eyes, ears, and nose, and generally observe the rat. If the rat has a respiratory infection it is usually very obvious, with sneezing, wheezing, and rattling sounds in the lungs that can easily be detected with a stethoscope. They will then weigh your rat to figure out the proper dosage of antibiotics and prescribe some to you (usually Baytril or Doxycycline) and tell you how much to give, how often to give it, and how to give it (usually by mouth). They will often tell you to call them in a few days and let them know if your rat has gotten better or worse. If there is no change or he has gotten worse, they will usually switch antibiotics, or add another one. Rats can get multiple bacteria that cause respiratory infections and sometimes need to be on a few different antibiotics for an effective treatment.
I hope that answers your question, good luck with your rat!Have any of you pet rat owners taken your rat to the vet for a cold?
Rats don't get colds in the same way humans do. However, they do get respiratory infections that need to be treated by a veterinarian.
The vet will examine your rat. They should look at the entire rat and examine him from head to tail. A good vet will palpate (feel) the abdomen and lymph nodes. They will also listen to the lungs with a stethoscope.
The cost varies by region and clinic. The only way to determine this is to call around. I live in a more expensive area, and see a great (but not cheap) vet who specializes in exotics. For me I pay $45 for a visit and then medication on top. My last visit for a respiratory infection was around $70 after taxes. The antibiotics were $15.
Just a note based upon one of the previous posts: Your pet will not recover from a respiratory infection through the use of vitamin water. This is just like how you would not get over an infection by taking a multivitamin. If your vet is even half way competent they will be able to correctly prescribe an antibiotic for your rat. There are many, many, many textbooks that list safe doses.
I had a rat with upper respiratory infection. I took her %26amp; her cagemate to the vet. They were both given medication (the healthy rat got meds just to protect her from getting sick).
The medication cost $10, and the office visit was $38, so a total of $48 was spent.
Rats don't get ';colds'; but they do get respiratory infections. My past two rats have had to be taken to the vet for a diagnosis and properly medicated.
yes. Several times.
I had two Rats and I never took them to the vets. My Rats would sneeze and that was all. Both my Rats lived a full and happy life, and you're looking to get hammered with a major vet's bill. The only thing I can recommend to you is to give your rat some vitamin water to help boost up their Immune System, and hopefully that'll help with curing whatever cold he/she may have. I used to work at Petco, and we usually used the Vitamin water to help cure the Rat's or Hamster's cold. You can buy the Vitamin Water from a local pets store; Petco, Pet's Mart, Petland Discount and etc.
Sometimes vets will give the Rat antibiotics, but sometimes the medication is too strong for the Rat and it may end up dying.
Hope I helped and Good Luck!!!
Is there anyone else that doesn't give a rats a$$ about the world cup?
What world cup?Is there anyone else that doesn't give a rats a$$ about the world cup?
obvisouly you are not a sport person, if you are.Is there anyone else that doesn't give a rats a$$ about the world cup?
I hate football BIGTIME and these stupid tacky flags on cars! when england play a decent team it will all be over, so hang in there.
Your dog???
I haven't been watching the World Cup at all.
Isn't this mostly a European and African sport? I am from Canada and the Stanley Cup is still going, so guess where my heart is?
No i don't care about it
tons of ppl in the us cuz we try and b different and call it soccer and also we no were gonna loose to italy soon
i hate football!!!
World cup should actually be called ';soccer mom central'; Id watch it for sure!
The what?
i could not care 1 iota or 2 simple sloth's birthday parties or 3 hiatus hernia'd mongeese or 4 blow worm infested uran-utans with a nice shampoo and set and lipstick to match ABOUT WORLD CUP GOBLRT or BEAKER...
i hate the's simple JUST KICK IT in a metal frame, they just ALWAYS have men trying to stop them do the simple irritating... heee hheeeee heeeee
no, and u r an idiot not to watch the most interesting and popular tournament in the world (aside from the Olympics)
The fact that you are asking shows you know the majority of the WORLD is watching and/or does care.
If you are afraid you would be bored you should try to expand (and open) your mind a little.
Like parents tell small children at least try it you never know you might actually like it.
no coz the WC is brilliant
Yes, myself. I don't care.
I love it
i'm with ya i cant watch that action in soccer just a bunch of running back and forth and passing to the goalie so he can kick the ball halfway down field and start the whole boring process over again.
Hockey is my sport no out of bounds if your gonna get hit your gonna get hit.lots of shots scoring chances and goals.Fighting is not permitted but is tollerated it rules WC soccer sucks.
i dont,im more interested in the stanley country didnt even qualify,thats sad,
Indeed, I can't stand it, and would rather saw my own legs off than watch it... Societally, it gives us nothing but tribalism and worse, nationalism, and the accompanying violence, the pundits never get tired of spouting the most inane drivel, this is all a distraction from the real issues of our lives, and just look at the pollution caused by millions of 'fans' world-wide each travelling up to hundreds of miles to watch a ball being kicked around a field.
Dogs will chase a ball!
only gay men or scottish people cant give a rats *** about it and i bet your both.
No probably not!
Don't bother troubling us with your questions if you don't like it. This section is here to talk about the World Cup not to slag it off.
People who are all here just to have a go at the vast majority who like football should get a life an tolerate the fact that the world's most played sport is football.
If you don't like it go somewhere else and moan. Stop spoiling the enjoyment for the rest of us.
Everyone knows what and where the World Cup happens its a global event involving entire continents in the qualifiers and 32 teams in the finals. If you don't like it, think its crap or gay, go somewhere else where the World Cup won't affect you and stop moaning to the people who enjoy it.
No I dont care to much for it.
No because it brings people on a high and gives them some excitement while their team is doing well.It makes people forget
all the bad things like terrorism and people being killed evry day,
but if you are not a fan you can watch the other channel.Imagine
if England did win,the feel good factor in England would be fantastic
na i think u alone on this one duh u in the world cup section of answers what do u think we are doin here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! geez
i dont
obvisouly you are not a sport person, if you are.Is there anyone else that doesn't give a rats a$$ about the world cup?
I hate football BIGTIME and these stupid tacky flags on cars! when england play a decent team it will all be over, so hang in there.
Your dog???
I haven't been watching the World Cup at all.
Isn't this mostly a European and African sport? I am from Canada and the Stanley Cup is still going, so guess where my heart is?
No i don't care about it
tons of ppl in the us cuz we try and b different and call it soccer and also we no were gonna loose to italy soon
i hate football!!!
World cup should actually be called ';soccer mom central'; Id watch it for sure!
The what?
i could not care 1 iota or 2 simple sloth's birthday parties or 3 hiatus hernia'd mongeese or 4 blow worm infested uran-utans with a nice shampoo and set and lipstick to match ABOUT WORLD CUP GOBLRT or BEAKER...
i hate the's simple JUST KICK IT in a metal frame, they just ALWAYS have men trying to stop them do the simple irritating... heee hheeeee heeeee
no, and u r an idiot not to watch the most interesting and popular tournament in the world (aside from the Olympics)
The fact that you are asking shows you know the majority of the WORLD is watching and/or does care.
If you are afraid you would be bored you should try to expand (and open) your mind a little.
Like parents tell small children at least try it you never know you might actually like it.
no coz the WC is brilliant
Yes, myself. I don't care.
I love it
i'm with ya i cant watch that action in soccer just a bunch of running back and forth and passing to the goalie so he can kick the ball halfway down field and start the whole boring process over again.
Hockey is my sport no out of bounds if your gonna get hit your gonna get hit.lots of shots scoring chances and goals.Fighting is not permitted but is tollerated it rules WC soccer sucks.
i dont,im more interested in the stanley country didnt even qualify,thats sad,
Indeed, I can't stand it, and would rather saw my own legs off than watch it... Societally, it gives us nothing but tribalism and worse, nationalism, and the accompanying violence, the pundits never get tired of spouting the most inane drivel, this is all a distraction from the real issues of our lives, and just look at the pollution caused by millions of 'fans' world-wide each travelling up to hundreds of miles to watch a ball being kicked around a field.
Dogs will chase a ball!
only gay men or scottish people cant give a rats *** about it and i bet your both.
No probably not!
Don't bother troubling us with your questions if you don't like it. This section is here to talk about the World Cup not to slag it off.
People who are all here just to have a go at the vast majority who like football should get a life an tolerate the fact that the world's most played sport is football.
If you don't like it go somewhere else and moan. Stop spoiling the enjoyment for the rest of us.
Everyone knows what and where the World Cup happens its a global event involving entire continents in the qualifiers and 32 teams in the finals. If you don't like it, think its crap or gay, go somewhere else where the World Cup won't affect you and stop moaning to the people who enjoy it.
No I dont care to much for it.
No because it brings people on a high and gives them some excitement while their team is doing well.It makes people forget
all the bad things like terrorism and people being killed evry day,
but if you are not a fan you can watch the other channel.Imagine
if England did win,the feel good factor in England would be fantastic
na i think u alone on this one duh u in the world cup section of answers what do u think we are doin here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! geez
i dont
Why do my rats keep tearing up the newspaper in there cage ? ?
They like to rip it up to use to nest. It isn't dangerous, as most newspapers these days are printed with soy-based animal safe ink. They might also enjoy tissues, tissue boxes, and even printer paper! just without the ink. hope this helped=]Why do my rats keep tearing up the newspaper in there cage ? ?
Because thats what rats do!! They should have wood chew toys, a house to hide on, and things like hammocks to play in!! Also, never use wood shavings in small animal cages unless you plan to change it at least twice a week as wet wood shavings cause respiratory infections in small animals.Why do my rats keep tearing up the newspaper in there cage ? ?
rats love to chew and tear things up and use it for bedding it is really good enrichment for them. My rats do it with newspaper, cardboard, tissue paper, and clothing. They love wood chews that you can get in the pet store to gnaw on and it helps keep their teeth healthy.
My guess would be that they're trying to make soft bedding. A lot of bedding that they sell in stores is just torn-up newspaper, so I guess it makes good bedding!! Unless they're eating the newspaper, which I don't think is good. But if they aren't, I think they're just making a bed!! Hope that helps!
They're rats, they wont stop, it's what they do. I would suggest getting bedding instead of newspaper. I use Kaytee Aspen wood chips for all of my rodents. :]
to nest in and to play in u should tear sum up for them so they wont need to do it them selfs
my hamster does that with tissue its ok they nest in it.
they prolly will take it to their home=) thats how they make it warm and comfy..
They love to chew and tear stuff!
Hel-lo! They're RATS!
they take it to make thier home
Because thats what rats do!! They should have wood chew toys, a house to hide on, and things like hammocks to play in!! Also, never use wood shavings in small animal cages unless you plan to change it at least twice a week as wet wood shavings cause respiratory infections in small animals.Why do my rats keep tearing up the newspaper in there cage ? ?
rats love to chew and tear things up and use it for bedding it is really good enrichment for them. My rats do it with newspaper, cardboard, tissue paper, and clothing. They love wood chews that you can get in the pet store to gnaw on and it helps keep their teeth healthy.
My guess would be that they're trying to make soft bedding. A lot of bedding that they sell in stores is just torn-up newspaper, so I guess it makes good bedding!! Unless they're eating the newspaper, which I don't think is good. But if they aren't, I think they're just making a bed!! Hope that helps!
They're rats, they wont stop, it's what they do. I would suggest getting bedding instead of newspaper. I use Kaytee Aspen wood chips for all of my rodents. :]
to nest in and to play in u should tear sum up for them so they wont need to do it them selfs
my hamster does that with tissue its ok they nest in it.
they prolly will take it to their home=) thats how they make it warm and comfy..
They love to chew and tear stuff!
Hel-lo! They're RATS!
they take it to make thier home
How do you know when your dog, rat terrier, is pregnant?
She was bred about 3 weeks or so ago. We think she may be pregnant because she is sitting differently, her nipples look different and she seems to be heavier when held. What are the symptoms for a pregnant dog?How do you know when your dog, rat terrier, is pregnant?
If you were a responsible breeder you would know that, but chances are you are not and you have no freaing clue what you are doing.
I bet the dog is notvery old, probably a year old (i can hear you now ';that's old enough to breed.';)
she's be bred atleast 6 times in her life and then retired/
You know a dog is preg. when the owner is too irresponsible to get her fixed.
she will also have weight gain, larger nipples, change is diet...How do you know when your dog, rat terrier, is pregnant?
the x-ray wont do any good till they are about 6 weeks along and would be a waste of money to try to do sooner.
did you see her connect with another dog? if they connected chances are you're going to have puppies. My mother in laws rat terrier (intentionally and carefully bred and cared for BTW for all you anti breeders) started filling out through the belly after 2-3 weeks she moves differently already and yes her nipples are slightly bigger. id say chances are you're going to have a litter of puppies, i hope you-re ready :)
not Everyone who breeds a dog is an irresponsible owner and it gets a little old that every time anyone on here asks a breeding question they get the same treatment, i agree most people shouldn't be breeding their animals, but i also realize some do and have every right to be able to do so and dint need someone to jump down their throat every time they ask a simple question. even the best breeder in the world had questions at one point.
when the tampon box stays full??
If you were a responsible breeder you would know that, but chances are you are not and you have no freaing clue what you are doing.
I bet the dog is notvery old, probably a year old (i can hear you now ';that's old enough to breed.';)
she's be bred atleast 6 times in her life and then retired/
You know a dog is preg. when the owner is too irresponsible to get her fixed.
she will also have weight gain, larger nipples, change is diet...How do you know when your dog, rat terrier, is pregnant?
the x-ray wont do any good till they are about 6 weeks along and would be a waste of money to try to do sooner.
did you see her connect with another dog? if they connected chances are you're going to have puppies. My mother in laws rat terrier (intentionally and carefully bred and cared for BTW for all you anti breeders) started filling out through the belly after 2-3 weeks she moves differently already and yes her nipples are slightly bigger. id say chances are you're going to have a litter of puppies, i hope you-re ready :)
not Everyone who breeds a dog is an irresponsible owner and it gets a little old that every time anyone on here asks a breeding question they get the same treatment, i agree most people shouldn't be breeding their animals, but i also realize some do and have every right to be able to do so and dint need someone to jump down their throat every time they ask a simple question. even the best breeder in the world had questions at one point.
when the tampon box stays full??
Activites for female rats?
I got two female rats about 6 months ago but im running out of things to do with them. Im kind of bored with them. I feel really sorry for them because i have lost intrest in them! I have tried to find them a new home but i cant. I will care for them and i do love them but i need some games or activities for them and ways to keep them cool.(its summer)Activites for female rats?
The more you spend with your rats the more you want to play with them. I had this problem with my rats, but the more I got them out the more I wanted to do with them.
Don't feel ashamed just make sure you are cleaning their cage and feeding them well.
Some ideas are
- wiggle a cat feather toy along the ground and they should chase it (don't let them chew it too much or it will fall apart)
- build a maze for them to go through and they get a treat at the end
- find planks of wood (with no splinters), olf bits of piping and built a little obstacle course in the room you exercise them in.
- on a warm day do pea fishing. Fill a shallow dish with water and pop a few fresh or defrosted peas (and corn) in the water. Your rats might enjoy fishing them out and it's fun to watch!
- Find a light cotton sheet that can be pooped on or widdled on. Place about 2-3 small boxes or towers of books and drape the sheet over them. You might like to weight the sheet down with something heavy on each corner. They love tunnelling underneeth the sheet and the books or boxes raise the sheet in places creating air pockets so they can breath.Activites for female rats?
this link has great ideas for toys and games
have fun!
get them some male play mates!!!
Well now imagine how your rats feel! They are cooped up in a cage and rely on you for their entertainment. They really need different forms of stimulation to keep their minds healthy. Offer lots of toys and things to chew on. If you really want to get rid of them, you should contact a rescue. Often times they will know someone in your part of the country that is looking for an animal to love. Try looking at different websites to get new ideas...Here's a few below...good luck!
The more you spend with your rats the more you want to play with them. I had this problem with my rats, but the more I got them out the more I wanted to do with them.
Don't feel ashamed just make sure you are cleaning their cage and feeding them well.
Some ideas are
- wiggle a cat feather toy along the ground and they should chase it (don't let them chew it too much or it will fall apart)
- build a maze for them to go through and they get a treat at the end
- find planks of wood (with no splinters), olf bits of piping and built a little obstacle course in the room you exercise them in.
- on a warm day do pea fishing. Fill a shallow dish with water and pop a few fresh or defrosted peas (and corn) in the water. Your rats might enjoy fishing them out and it's fun to watch!
- Find a light cotton sheet that can be pooped on or widdled on. Place about 2-3 small boxes or towers of books and drape the sheet over them. You might like to weight the sheet down with something heavy on each corner. They love tunnelling underneeth the sheet and the books or boxes raise the sheet in places creating air pockets so they can breath.Activites for female rats?
this link has great ideas for toys and games
have fun!
get them some male play mates!!!
Well now imagine how your rats feel! They are cooped up in a cage and rely on you for their entertainment. They really need different forms of stimulation to keep their minds healthy. Offer lots of toys and things to chew on. If you really want to get rid of them, you should contact a rescue. Often times they will know someone in your part of the country that is looking for an animal to love. Try looking at different websites to get new ideas...Here's a few below...good luck!
What would happen if someone would inject rat poison or detergent or washing powder in the veins ?
My theory is that that someone would die. But i saw many cases in which people survived similar (or not like that guy who fell in NY from a building that has 50 floors , or a snake bite , etc).I wont do anything , I am just curios. And don't answer if you don't know (that means do not answer if you want to leave a stupid comment )What would happen if someone would inject rat poison or detergent or washing powder in the veins ?
Don't ask stupid questions, people will be safe from answering stupid.
I personally do not like to answer to some questions which may lead to crime (against medical ethics).
But one thing for sure, police will catch you %26amp; take to court if you do so.What would happen if someone would inject rat poison or detergent or washing powder in the veins ?
I think that someone would die too. Rat poison, definitely. But the washing powder or detergent might not be totally lethal but could possibly kill you. And I am REALLY hoping that you or someone you know isn't going to try this.
O sorry if you didn't want me to answer this, but I figured it might help a little. :)
The way in which rat poisoning kills mice or rats is through the same mechanism as Warfarin (used in humans under the brand name blood thinner, ';Coumadin.';
These chemicals ';thin'; the blood and reduce its ability to clot. That is great news when trying to avoid a stroke or a heart attack, because the blood can ';fit'; through narrowed vessels. On the downside, it can cause internal bleeding, which you would bleed to death.
Why would somebody want to do that? What would happen is that they would be admitted to the nut house. Do people even survive that?
Are you crazy, you can kill some one.
Die quick but very painful. Some are just lucky and those cases they can't explain.
OK, I won't answer then.Why is my cat vomiting white foam
Don't ask stupid questions, people will be safe from answering stupid.
I personally do not like to answer to some questions which may lead to crime (against medical ethics).
But one thing for sure, police will catch you %26amp; take to court if you do so.What would happen if someone would inject rat poison or detergent or washing powder in the veins ?
I think that someone would die too. Rat poison, definitely. But the washing powder or detergent might not be totally lethal but could possibly kill you. And I am REALLY hoping that you or someone you know isn't going to try this.
O sorry if you didn't want me to answer this, but I figured it might help a little. :)
The way in which rat poisoning kills mice or rats is through the same mechanism as Warfarin (used in humans under the brand name blood thinner, ';Coumadin.';
These chemicals ';thin'; the blood and reduce its ability to clot. That is great news when trying to avoid a stroke or a heart attack, because the blood can ';fit'; through narrowed vessels. On the downside, it can cause internal bleeding, which you would bleed to death.
Why would somebody want to do that? What would happen is that they would be admitted to the nut house. Do people even survive that?
Are you crazy, you can kill some one.
Die quick but very painful. Some are just lucky and those cases they can't explain.
OK, I won't answer then.
Can you give rats rib bones?
Well i read that rats love to chew and need meat well i have two one hairless and one dumbo both males well we(my family) Had ribs last night can i give my rats the bones and please dont say i dont know if you dont know please dont answer!Can you give rats rib bones?
Yes, they also love chicken bones!
(rats take small bites so they dont lodge in the throat like dogs)Can you give rats rib bones?
Yeah, rib bones are okay. I used to have a rat, and I basically fed him everything. (and no, he didnt die from what he ate)
Yes just make sure that there isn't a lot of sauce on the rib bones. Rats grind down bones instead of just taking bites and swallowing like a dog or cat.
Yes rats love bones. Just make sure there's not a lot of chicken or sauce or anything on them.
Yes, they also love chicken bones!
(rats take small bites so they dont lodge in the throat like dogs)Can you give rats rib bones?
Yeah, rib bones are okay. I used to have a rat, and I basically fed him everything. (and no, he didnt die from what he ate)
Yes just make sure that there isn't a lot of sauce on the rib bones. Rats grind down bones instead of just taking bites and swallowing like a dog or cat.
Yes rats love bones. Just make sure there's not a lot of chicken or sauce or anything on them.
What do wild rats like to eat?
Just about anything, but grain is the staple part of their diet, hence why rats are held responsible for destroying a third of crops annuallyWhat do wild rats like to eat?
They also eat small frogs.
They also eat small frogs.
How to breed rats plz help ?
what do i need to breed rats and how do i do it plz tell me everything i need and how to do itHow to breed rats plz help ?
First of all, this probably isn't the best place to post this, as the people here (for the most part) care about rodents and would never use them as reptile food.
Secondly, please do as much research as possible so that you can breed your feeders as humanely as possible. I understand that snakes and lizards need to eat as well, but there is a lot that can be done by feeder breeders to keep and kill the rats humanely. Researching how to breed rats on pet rat sites will help you have a better understanding on how to do so humanely. You can find all you need to know on the breeding section of my website (link below).How to breed rats plz help ?
Rats are pretty prolific animals. A female comes into heat every two or three days so its not that hard. Introduce them and let them explore each other. Rats prefer to mate for life which means if they like each other and do breed once you could breed the same pair every two months or so. Have a cage with plenty of space, a male is ready to breed all the time. A female will usually turn her behind to him, hop a bit and give a few high pitch squeaks, if she's ready the male will mount her up to twenty times in one breeding. If the female is not ready then she will fight him away from her and you will just have to try again in a day or two. If they breed then take the male out and treat the female as usual. She will have her pinkys in 21-28 days.
You need to go to the library, bookstore, or pet store and get a book about rats. Then, you need to read the book.
Next, do a bit of research on the internet. See if you can't find a few other people who breed rats. They might be able to give you useful hints, tips and advice, or have such advice on their website.
Lastly, consider this. Rats are living animals and need love, care and attention just like any other animal. If you don't know a whole lot about rats and rat care at this point, it might not be wise to start breeding. Also, consider what you plan to do with the offspring. Are you going to keep them all? Do you have friends who will take the extra babies you don't want?
Are you ready to take on the responsibility of taking care of multiple pets?
Ok, not the best place to post this!!!
Can you imagine just how scared the poor rats will be when put in a reptile enclosure! I understand that snakes need to eat, but the food doesnt need to be live, or rats for that matter! the mom rat will probably be so scared that she'll absorb the babies! She will have no love and no attention and will be stressed and will probably get an infection called myco as a result! if you do befriend her for the purpose of stealing her babies, then she will stress even more and probably never trust you again!
I have bred them successfully before, but I wont tell you how because you are only giving them away as feeders.
Go buy them at petco, usually they give away sick rats anyway that will die within a couple weeks. Rats are better pets than reptiles and snakes, and I wish people did not overbreed them so they could just kill them in the end. Sigh.
well your answer is here!!!!!!! get a guy rat and a girl rat!!! put them in the same cage then ............ happens! get the guy rat out after the..... has happend. if you dont he will KILL the babys. i bread them before.... oh ya don't TOUCH the babys till they have fur. tada you have rats
well for starters i would get a guy rat and a girl rat and put them in the same cage...if they don't eat each other they will probably mate!!
You should not breed rats, there is many out there that could be adopted. Why do you specially want to breed them?
i know how but im not tellin cause u r gonna kill em
First of all, this probably isn't the best place to post this, as the people here (for the most part) care about rodents and would never use them as reptile food.
Secondly, please do as much research as possible so that you can breed your feeders as humanely as possible. I understand that snakes and lizards need to eat as well, but there is a lot that can be done by feeder breeders to keep and kill the rats humanely. Researching how to breed rats on pet rat sites will help you have a better understanding on how to do so humanely. You can find all you need to know on the breeding section of my website (link below).How to breed rats plz help ?
Rats are pretty prolific animals. A female comes into heat every two or three days so its not that hard. Introduce them and let them explore each other. Rats prefer to mate for life which means if they like each other and do breed once you could breed the same pair every two months or so. Have a cage with plenty of space, a male is ready to breed all the time. A female will usually turn her behind to him, hop a bit and give a few high pitch squeaks, if she's ready the male will mount her up to twenty times in one breeding. If the female is not ready then she will fight him away from her and you will just have to try again in a day or two. If they breed then take the male out and treat the female as usual. She will have her pinkys in 21-28 days.
You need to go to the library, bookstore, or pet store and get a book about rats. Then, you need to read the book.
Next, do a bit of research on the internet. See if you can't find a few other people who breed rats. They might be able to give you useful hints, tips and advice, or have such advice on their website.
Lastly, consider this. Rats are living animals and need love, care and attention just like any other animal. If you don't know a whole lot about rats and rat care at this point, it might not be wise to start breeding. Also, consider what you plan to do with the offspring. Are you going to keep them all? Do you have friends who will take the extra babies you don't want?
Are you ready to take on the responsibility of taking care of multiple pets?
Ok, not the best place to post this!!!
Can you imagine just how scared the poor rats will be when put in a reptile enclosure! I understand that snakes need to eat, but the food doesnt need to be live, or rats for that matter! the mom rat will probably be so scared that she'll absorb the babies! She will have no love and no attention and will be stressed and will probably get an infection called myco as a result! if you do befriend her for the purpose of stealing her babies, then she will stress even more and probably never trust you again!
I have bred them successfully before, but I wont tell you how because you are only giving them away as feeders.
Go buy them at petco, usually they give away sick rats anyway that will die within a couple weeks. Rats are better pets than reptiles and snakes, and I wish people did not overbreed them so they could just kill them in the end. Sigh.
well your answer is here!!!!!!! get a guy rat and a girl rat!!! put them in the same cage then ............ happens! get the guy rat out after the..... has happend. if you dont he will KILL the babys. i bread them before.... oh ya don't TOUCH the babys till they have fur. tada you have rats
well for starters i would get a guy rat and a girl rat and put them in the same cage...if they don't eat each other they will probably mate!!
You should not breed rats, there is many out there that could be adopted. Why do you specially want to breed them?
i know how but im not tellin cause u r gonna kill em
Can two female rats live together?
i love rats! i have had many. right now i have a female thats about 6 months old she is a white med size rat. today we picked up another female hairless rat. i have them in seperate homes right now, they both have big cages. thay are both very tame lots of handleing for both. so they are friendly. my white female is a nibbler she nibbles everything my ear when she is on my shoulder my nose. not hard at all doesn't even mark your skin, it's veryy light. my question is rats are very social animals and like company, would it be a good idea to put them together? would they hurt each other? if they can live together how would i introduce each other ?Can two female rats live together?
Pull them out on the bed each day for about an hour and let them socialize. If all goes well you should be able to keep them in the same cage together after less than a week. :) You must also know the diffrence between fighting and finding whos alpha. Fighting will cause really serious injuries, we are talking ripped off parts and ripping each other open. Dominance fights are rolling the other over, making the other squeek a bit maybe, ect. Scratches sometimes occure (Especually with hairless rats. I have 5 of them. :P) but unless it's gushing with blood there shouldn't be anything to worry about.Can two female rats live together?
yes, rats are very social, they pefer to be together. they should get along just fine. although i dont know if hairless ones are as social, though....i wouldtake them both out of the cages so when their introduced its not someones territory, and change the bedding before putting them in together...
hope this helps!!! : )
oh, wat are their names? i currently have a white one named strawberry (because of her red eyes)
We have 3 female rats together in a big cage, you can try and see what they do if they get along then keep them together if they act like they will fight then remove one.
When I put all 3 of ours together they at once started playing 2 are older than the younger one.
hmm, it depends on how old they are, %26amp; if they had any kind of shots. i mean they are rats %26amp; they do get senile %26amp; a little violent after time. but the shots do help.
I have had rats for years and never had problems putting two females together. However you want to introduce slowly as possible over a few weeks. Since the hairless does not have the protection of fur there is a possibility that it may get scratched.
You also NEED to quarantine for at least a month. This ensures that any disease that the new rat may have does not get passed to the old rat. Some diseases can be dormant and show no symptoms for a month, so even if she looks healthy now she may not be. Also be sure to wash hands inbetween handling both of them. The deadly sendai virus can be passed through fluids and the air. I lost an entire group of rats to the sendai virus, it was a sad and humbling experience(definatly taught me the importance of quarantining)
I also wanted to be sure you are aware that hairless rats need somewhat special care. They are not like regular rats. Your hairless will eventually need a furred comanion for warmth. If your house gets cold(under 70 degrees) you need to provide a heating pad/light at one side of the cage. No fur equals higher metabolisms, your hairless needs more food and higher protien. Cage needs to be cleaned more as their skin can be irretated by urine and feces.I used to clean mine every day. Hairless rats naturally have more delicate systems and are in more fragile health than their heartier hairy counterparts. Be prepared for more vet visits. While all rats are very vulnerable especially to respiratory illnesses, this is even more true among hairless rats. They are also more vulnerable to everything from cancer to allergies because of the nature of the hairless gene. I'm sure you have already researched all of this, but I just wanted to be sure you were aware of the special needs. I sure wasn't, when a pet store asked if I would adopt a hairless rat someone dumped there.
Never put two females together. They fight for territory!
Yes, you can put about any two female animals together they are more kind to each other than two male animals
I had rats for years and I can tell you they are VERY social animals. I only had girls (the testes creeped me out!!!) and the females always got along great together. I'd recommend putting them together so they can get used to each other. Of course check them regularly to make sure they aren't injuring each other. Rats are a lot like dogs and will fight every once in a while. You just have to go and pull them apart, but in general they won't really hurt each other. Just be sure to check them in the beginning to make sure they are being gentle with one another.
What I have come to find out is that if you introduce them together for ';play time'; every day they will have much more fun together chasing and playing.
just dont let them borrow each other's clothes. thats when it will get nasty
Pull them out on the bed each day for about an hour and let them socialize. If all goes well you should be able to keep them in the same cage together after less than a week. :) You must also know the diffrence between fighting and finding whos alpha. Fighting will cause really serious injuries, we are talking ripped off parts and ripping each other open. Dominance fights are rolling the other over, making the other squeek a bit maybe, ect. Scratches sometimes occure (Especually with hairless rats. I have 5 of them. :P) but unless it's gushing with blood there shouldn't be anything to worry about.Can two female rats live together?
yes, rats are very social, they pefer to be together. they should get along just fine. although i dont know if hairless ones are as social, though....i wouldtake them both out of the cages so when their introduced its not someones territory, and change the bedding before putting them in together...
hope this helps!!! : )
oh, wat are their names? i currently have a white one named strawberry (because of her red eyes)
We have 3 female rats together in a big cage, you can try and see what they do if they get along then keep them together if they act like they will fight then remove one.
When I put all 3 of ours together they at once started playing 2 are older than the younger one.
hmm, it depends on how old they are, %26amp; if they had any kind of shots. i mean they are rats %26amp; they do get senile %26amp; a little violent after time. but the shots do help.
I have had rats for years and never had problems putting two females together. However you want to introduce slowly as possible over a few weeks. Since the hairless does not have the protection of fur there is a possibility that it may get scratched.
You also NEED to quarantine for at least a month. This ensures that any disease that the new rat may have does not get passed to the old rat. Some diseases can be dormant and show no symptoms for a month, so even if she looks healthy now she may not be. Also be sure to wash hands inbetween handling both of them. The deadly sendai virus can be passed through fluids and the air. I lost an entire group of rats to the sendai virus, it was a sad and humbling experience(definatly taught me the importance of quarantining)
I also wanted to be sure you are aware that hairless rats need somewhat special care. They are not like regular rats. Your hairless will eventually need a furred comanion for warmth. If your house gets cold(under 70 degrees) you need to provide a heating pad/light at one side of the cage. No fur equals higher metabolisms, your hairless needs more food and higher protien. Cage needs to be cleaned more as their skin can be irretated by urine and feces.I used to clean mine every day. Hairless rats naturally have more delicate systems and are in more fragile health than their heartier hairy counterparts. Be prepared for more vet visits. While all rats are very vulnerable especially to respiratory illnesses, this is even more true among hairless rats. They are also more vulnerable to everything from cancer to allergies because of the nature of the hairless gene. I'm sure you have already researched all of this, but I just wanted to be sure you were aware of the special needs. I sure wasn't, when a pet store asked if I would adopt a hairless rat someone dumped there.
Never put two females together. They fight for territory!
Yes, you can put about any two female animals together they are more kind to each other than two male animals
I had rats for years and I can tell you they are VERY social animals. I only had girls (the testes creeped me out!!!) and the females always got along great together. I'd recommend putting them together so they can get used to each other. Of course check them regularly to make sure they aren't injuring each other. Rats are a lot like dogs and will fight every once in a while. You just have to go and pull them apart, but in general they won't really hurt each other. Just be sure to check them in the beginning to make sure they are being gentle with one another.
What I have come to find out is that if you introduce them together for ';play time'; every day they will have much more fun together chasing and playing.
just dont let them borrow each other's clothes. thats when it will get nasty
My rat has a series of small bumps on her ears, what are these and how can I cure them?
I just need to know what they are and how to cure them. Don't tell me to ask a vet because I just need an answer to the question!
Thanks to those who help!My rat has a series of small bumps on her ears, what are these and how can I cure them?
Most likely is sarcoptic mange mite, you'll notice it go much worse with crusty growths, another is papillomas (warty type things) check their tails and genitals for the bumps and any other rats they have been near, took me 10 weeks to get my little uns sorted anyhow their ears are quite normal now, it did mildly spread to two of my others, just check the tails almost always on tail, type a search fancy rat sarcoptic mange mite I think you ll be running at top speed to vets after you see what horrifying results these bugs cause.My rat has a series of small bumps on her ears, what are these and how can I cure them?
Why won't you take her to the vet. She needs to get examined by a vet, I am sorry to tell you. There are a few people on here who try to help, but NONE of these answers are as good as a vet visit, and please dont substitute answers for her visit.
umm dont waste your money but call a vet and ask them that question they will tell u for free!
Thanks to those who help!My rat has a series of small bumps on her ears, what are these and how can I cure them?
Most likely is sarcoptic mange mite, you'll notice it go much worse with crusty growths, another is papillomas (warty type things) check their tails and genitals for the bumps and any other rats they have been near, took me 10 weeks to get my little uns sorted anyhow their ears are quite normal now, it did mildly spread to two of my others, just check the tails almost always on tail, type a search fancy rat sarcoptic mange mite I think you ll be running at top speed to vets after you see what horrifying results these bugs cause.My rat has a series of small bumps on her ears, what are these and how can I cure them?
Why won't you take her to the vet. She needs to get examined by a vet, I am sorry to tell you. There are a few people on here who try to help, but NONE of these answers are as good as a vet visit, and please dont substitute answers for her visit.
umm dont waste your money but call a vet and ask them that question they will tell u for free!
How do I get rid of a rat in my house???
There is a rat in my house that hides in the darn oven!! How can I get rid of it? I tried the glue traps--but perhaps the one I got was cheap cause it was able to get off of the trap. Any suggestions on what to buy to kill it?How do I get rid of a rat in my house???
There is a trap called Tomcat that works quite well on larger rodents. They are easier to set than the old style rat traps. My sister uses them to catch squirrels in her house.
Dont use poison. You never know where the thing is going to die and it could stink up your house for quite a while.How do I get rid of a rat in my house???
Get some De- Con. It poison that will kill rats. Do not use this stuff if you have children or pets in the house. There is always the old fashion rat traps.
other than turning the oven on when its in there, Id call the rat people. I have them at work and they are horrid.
Cat,,with ATTitude.
DO NOT USE glue traps yikes.
Have you tried rat traps? those are traps that you put a small piece of cheese on it and spring the trap back when the rat gets near to nibble the cheese it will get caught in the trap, but they make an awful lot of noise when they are caught. I hope this helps you in some way. My daughter used to have a lot of trouble with mice, she could not get rid of them and they multiply a lot, we tried every kind of trap and nothing worked until we tried those traps for mice which are smaller size and it seemed to do the job.
I found that a 12 Gage shot gun works well.
Tell him to go to the store for some milk or something then change the locks while he's gone.
Oh THAT kind of rat. Same problem before, nothing worked except poison. Make sure that you check and recheck and check again for entrance spots. They can crawl through amazingly tight spaces.
Borrow a cat for a couple of days.
divorce him!!
Yea use the big heavy duty plastic glue traps ...and you'll have to put down some rat poison...the only prob is that if he eats it and dies then he will start to smell and you'll have to find might need to tear apart some of your place to get to the rat and then repair what you broke finding the ';dirty rat';...maybe the stove lol...good luck..
rat in ma kitchen...UB40 isn't it?Why is my cat vomiting white foam
There is a trap called Tomcat that works quite well on larger rodents. They are easier to set than the old style rat traps. My sister uses them to catch squirrels in her house.
Dont use poison. You never know where the thing is going to die and it could stink up your house for quite a while.How do I get rid of a rat in my house???
Get some De- Con. It poison that will kill rats. Do not use this stuff if you have children or pets in the house. There is always the old fashion rat traps.
other than turning the oven on when its in there, Id call the rat people. I have them at work and they are horrid.
Cat,,with ATTitude.
DO NOT USE glue traps yikes.
Have you tried rat traps? those are traps that you put a small piece of cheese on it and spring the trap back when the rat gets near to nibble the cheese it will get caught in the trap, but they make an awful lot of noise when they are caught. I hope this helps you in some way. My daughter used to have a lot of trouble with mice, she could not get rid of them and they multiply a lot, we tried every kind of trap and nothing worked until we tried those traps for mice which are smaller size and it seemed to do the job.
I found that a 12 Gage shot gun works well.
Tell him to go to the store for some milk or something then change the locks while he's gone.
Oh THAT kind of rat. Same problem before, nothing worked except poison. Make sure that you check and recheck and check again for entrance spots. They can crawl through amazingly tight spaces.
Borrow a cat for a couple of days.
divorce him!!
Yea use the big heavy duty plastic glue traps ...and you'll have to put down some rat poison...the only prob is that if he eats it and dies then he will start to smell and you'll have to find might need to tear apart some of your place to get to the rat and then repair what you broke finding the ';dirty rat';...maybe the stove lol...good luck..
rat in ma kitchen...UB40 isn't it?
How do i take care of my rat when she has a mysterious tumar, at least until i get to a vet?
She is in red cedar bedding for now, which is one guess to why she has it because its toxic to them. but im still not sure totally where it came from. its a large lump on her inner belly by her back leg. i need advice of how to care for it until i can get to a vet.How do i take care of my rat when she has a mysterious tumar, at least until i get to a vet?
Take her out of the CEDAR!!!!!!!!!
You can only use fired aspen or other non-phenol litter.
That did not cause the tumor though, rats a succeptable to them. But that cedar is lethal to there respitory system.
As far as care goes, make her comfy till she gets to a vet.How do i take care of my rat when she has a mysterious tumar, at least until i get to a vet?
Does the tumor bother her? If not, you can actually just leave it alone. If it is causing her distress, until you can get to a vet, you can comfort her. If she can't walk because of it, put her food and water next to her where she can easily get to it.
If the tumor doesn't cause any problems other than aesthetic, you can really just leave it there. (UNLESS the vet says otherwise, but most rat tumors won't harm them, especially a mammary tumor, which is what your rat seems to have) A surgery to remove it is an option, but a surgery will endanger the life of your rat more than the tumor will. If the tumor grows, and causes immobility for your rat, consider surgery, but not before.
Red cedar bedding won't cause tumors, it will cause respiratory disease, which is about 10000000000 x's more serious for rats. Change her bedding IMMEDIATELY. Like, NOW. Shred some paper, and replace it!!!!!
The bedding isn't likely to have caused a tumor. Cedar is toxic to snakes, not mammals. Pet rats are the same as lab rats and are multi generation inbred due to being kept together in cages in pet stores as pets and feeders for larger reptiles and in lab facilities. Cancer is due to the inbreeding and long history of lab tests. The location sounds like breast cancer. Are you willing to spend a ton of money on lab work and treatment for a rat?Let it live its life until it appears to be in pain or stops eating or drinking, and have it euthanized or let it die naturally.
Is she's still acting normally?
If so just make sure the cage is clean, food and water, also replace the cedar right now with paper towels or toilet paper or something. The cedar might be ok if is kiln dried so read if it is, then it would be ok to use it. Though there's not really anything to do until you get to the vet.
my rat also has a huge tumor it came from no where if i were you just clean out the cage dont stop handling it just handle it with care give it alot of TLC and treats stroke it and love it but i didnt take it to the vets yet because i was told not to do it until yo know they're in pain. good luck :D
my hamster had one of these. give your hamster plenty of rest and also give him or her lots of fresh veggies.
Go to wal-mart, they have traps, either the snap ones, or the sticky ones, both work well!
Take her out of the CEDAR!!!!!!!!!
You can only use fired aspen or other non-phenol litter.
That did not cause the tumor though, rats a succeptable to them. But that cedar is lethal to there respitory system.
As far as care goes, make her comfy till she gets to a vet.How do i take care of my rat when she has a mysterious tumar, at least until i get to a vet?
Does the tumor bother her? If not, you can actually just leave it alone. If it is causing her distress, until you can get to a vet, you can comfort her. If she can't walk because of it, put her food and water next to her where she can easily get to it.
If the tumor doesn't cause any problems other than aesthetic, you can really just leave it there. (UNLESS the vet says otherwise, but most rat tumors won't harm them, especially a mammary tumor, which is what your rat seems to have) A surgery to remove it is an option, but a surgery will endanger the life of your rat more than the tumor will. If the tumor grows, and causes immobility for your rat, consider surgery, but not before.
Red cedar bedding won't cause tumors, it will cause respiratory disease, which is about 10000000000 x's more serious for rats. Change her bedding IMMEDIATELY. Like, NOW. Shred some paper, and replace it!!!!!
The bedding isn't likely to have caused a tumor. Cedar is toxic to snakes, not mammals. Pet rats are the same as lab rats and are multi generation inbred due to being kept together in cages in pet stores as pets and feeders for larger reptiles and in lab facilities. Cancer is due to the inbreeding and long history of lab tests. The location sounds like breast cancer. Are you willing to spend a ton of money on lab work and treatment for a rat?Let it live its life until it appears to be in pain or stops eating or drinking, and have it euthanized or let it die naturally.
Is she's still acting normally?
If so just make sure the cage is clean, food and water, also replace the cedar right now with paper towels or toilet paper or something. The cedar might be ok if is kiln dried so read if it is, then it would be ok to use it. Though there's not really anything to do until you get to the vet.
my rat also has a huge tumor it came from no where if i were you just clean out the cage dont stop handling it just handle it with care give it alot of TLC and treats stroke it and love it but i didnt take it to the vets yet because i was told not to do it until yo know they're in pain. good luck :D
my hamster had one of these. give your hamster plenty of rest and also give him or her lots of fresh veggies.
Go to wal-mart, they have traps, either the snap ones, or the sticky ones, both work well!
How long would it take for a 13 pound cat to die from eating rat pellets?
That depends on whether they were food pellets or poison pellets....How long would it take for a 13 pound cat to die from eating rat pellets?
Call your vet! What symptoms is the cat showing? This is something you need to move on. Again CALL YOUR VET! IF YOU CAN'T BRING THE CAT TO HIM ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO!How long would it take for a 13 pound cat to die from eating rat pellets?
You are pig ignorant. If this is a genuine post get on to an emergency veterinary service immediately. If you think you're just having a bit of fun then go and boil your head.
Eat some yourself and see how long it takes for you to die, but take the cat to the vet first as his life is important......
Do not feed your cat rat pellets.
i would not know why have you not taken the cat to the vets then
Call your vet! What symptoms is the cat showing? This is something you need to move on. Again CALL YOUR VET! IF YOU CAN'T BRING THE CAT TO HIM ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO!How long would it take for a 13 pound cat to die from eating rat pellets?
You are pig ignorant. If this is a genuine post get on to an emergency veterinary service immediately. If you think you're just having a bit of fun then go and boil your head.
Eat some yourself and see how long it takes for you to die, but take the cat to the vet first as his life is important......
Do not feed your cat rat pellets.
i would not know why have you not taken the cat to the vets then
How long do rats live?
how long do rats live?How long do rats live?
The average rat lives from 2-3 years old, depending of course on quality of life. The oldest rat was named Rodney. He was a lab rat and he lived to be 7 years and 4 months old.鈥?/a>
An overview of the life of a rat.How long do rats live?
2-4 years. But there are supplements you can give them to help them live longer. The longest living rat was 7 1/2 years old. Mine died at 2 1/2 ;[.
In general 2-3 years, although they can live longer. It all depends on their genetics and health.
On the average of about two years.
Depends on where the rat came from. Your average pet shop rat will only live between 1.5 and 2.5 years, whereas a breeder's baby might live upwards of three years. But there is a flip side - a bad breeder's rats might only live 6 months or less, while a very lucky pet shop rat with a knowledgeable owner might make it to 4, perhaps 5. Average lifespan for pet rats in general is 2-3 years.
All depends on genetics, and health, and the care they received (diet, exercise, vet care) during their life.
Average is 2-2 1/2 years old, and 3 years is not common at all, and must be celebrated! 4 years can happen but those are very few and far between. I have a 3 year old girl right now, and my oldest rat was a wonderful rescue who I had pts at 38 months old.
i have had my rat for about 3 years and she is stell her
Usually 3 years!
they CAN live upto four years with VERY GOOD care. but they usually live 2-3
about 3 years
Roughly upto 3 years
The average rat lives from 2-3 years old, depending of course on quality of life. The oldest rat was named Rodney. He was a lab rat and he lived to be 7 years and 4 months old.鈥?/a>
An overview of the life of a rat.How long do rats live?
2-4 years. But there are supplements you can give them to help them live longer. The longest living rat was 7 1/2 years old. Mine died at 2 1/2 ;[.
In general 2-3 years, although they can live longer. It all depends on their genetics and health.
On the average of about two years.
Depends on where the rat came from. Your average pet shop rat will only live between 1.5 and 2.5 years, whereas a breeder's baby might live upwards of three years. But there is a flip side - a bad breeder's rats might only live 6 months or less, while a very lucky pet shop rat with a knowledgeable owner might make it to 4, perhaps 5. Average lifespan for pet rats in general is 2-3 years.
All depends on genetics, and health, and the care they received (diet, exercise, vet care) during their life.
Average is 2-2 1/2 years old, and 3 years is not common at all, and must be celebrated! 4 years can happen but those are very few and far between. I have a 3 year old girl right now, and my oldest rat was a wonderful rescue who I had pts at 38 months old.
i have had my rat for about 3 years and she is stell her
Usually 3 years!
they CAN live upto four years with VERY GOOD care. but they usually live 2-3
about 3 years
Roughly upto 3 years
What is the best way to get rid of mice in the house WITHOUT using rat bait?
I have 5 dogs so the bait is not an option. I have been using the sticky pads and keep catching them but I want a better idea to keep them out and dead.What is the best way to get rid of mice in the house WITHOUT using rat bait?
awww the sticky pads make me sad :[
well, here's what we do. we put trash cans next to tables and stairs and counters. we have a tiny trail of peanut butter on the inside wall of the trash can, so they fall in trying to get it. and you will want to use a sorta tall trash can so they cant get out. then you let them free outside, and nobody has to get hurt!
good luck!What is the best way to get rid of mice in the house WITHOUT using rat bait?
Decon on the outside of the house will keep them away for the winter. In between, I found that dryer sheets make them stay away. Just put a few in areas where the mice are active. If you want to use plain old mouse traps, I suggest putting a glob of peanut butter on the trap and put a sunflower seed on the peanut butter. When the mouse takes the seed, the trap goes off.
you need to find out where they are getting into and plug up all the holes to keep them out!
feed the rats with rat poisoning
PepperminT! Mice hate peppermint. I had a mouse problem a few years ago and found this solution in an old book. I made a spray from equal parts of peppermint pure essential oil and alcohol and then diluted with water. Within a couple of days we were clear!
I have recommended this remedy to other friends and it has always been successful!
You can use live traps. Just set them in an area along a wall whre you suspect they are active.
buy some cats keep the dogs in a kennel, and let the cats have free reign over your house.
get a cat
get a big mean hunting cat most domestic cats will hunt mice for fun mine does
how about a CAT
Get a cat.
standard mouse traps would work, just put some peanut butter on them, or get a cat that's good at mousing
humanne trap witch it traps then then you can release them somewere else without hurting them
you throw a party in a shoe box and invite them all. Play some polka music and serve a nice Guacamole dip. When they all show up and start dancing, close the shoe box and take them outside. Problem solved.
awww the sticky pads make me sad :[
well, here's what we do. we put trash cans next to tables and stairs and counters. we have a tiny trail of peanut butter on the inside wall of the trash can, so they fall in trying to get it. and you will want to use a sorta tall trash can so they cant get out. then you let them free outside, and nobody has to get hurt!
good luck!What is the best way to get rid of mice in the house WITHOUT using rat bait?
Decon on the outside of the house will keep them away for the winter. In between, I found that dryer sheets make them stay away. Just put a few in areas where the mice are active. If you want to use plain old mouse traps, I suggest putting a glob of peanut butter on the trap and put a sunflower seed on the peanut butter. When the mouse takes the seed, the trap goes off.
you need to find out where they are getting into and plug up all the holes to keep them out!
feed the rats with rat poisoning
PepperminT! Mice hate peppermint. I had a mouse problem a few years ago and found this solution in an old book. I made a spray from equal parts of peppermint pure essential oil and alcohol and then diluted with water. Within a couple of days we were clear!
I have recommended this remedy to other friends and it has always been successful!
You can use live traps. Just set them in an area along a wall whre you suspect they are active.
buy some cats keep the dogs in a kennel, and let the cats have free reign over your house.
get a cat
get a big mean hunting cat most domestic cats will hunt mice for fun mine does
how about a CAT
Get a cat.
standard mouse traps would work, just put some peanut butter on them, or get a cat that's good at mousing
humanne trap witch it traps then then you can release them somewere else without hurting them
you throw a party in a shoe box and invite them all. Play some polka music and serve a nice Guacamole dip. When they all show up and start dancing, close the shoe box and take them outside. Problem solved.
What is the best bait to lure a rat into a cage trap?
I have bought a humane rat trap and need to bait it. I don't think that cheese is the answer any suggestionsWhat is the best bait to lure a rat into a cage trap?
a really sexy female rat maybe?? It would work for my ratty x boyfriend!What is the best bait to lure a rat into a cage trap?
those traps work 20% of the time. They love the snap traps more!! toasted bread add peanut butter and sprinkle with oats
reeses, they love chocolate.
peanut butter
Try Peanut Butter and or dry dog food kibble
Peanut Butter.
Peanut Butter. Works on any trap.
malt loaf
Cheese and bacon.
i have fount that peanut butter works well. to avoid a mess within the trap, put a gob of PB on a cracker, and set it in there. it worked with my vermin problems... also helped when my friend's pet rat escaped.
I've heard that a rat will travel really far just for egg shells which is why you shouldn't put them in your compost heaps. Rats will bother hen cages as much as a fox will just for the eggs. Maybe you should put a couple of raw eggs and their shells in a little dish?
Chocolate, they absolutely love it.
a really sexy female rat maybe?? It would work for my ratty x boyfriend!What is the best bait to lure a rat into a cage trap?
those traps work 20% of the time. They love the snap traps more!! toasted bread add peanut butter and sprinkle with oats
reeses, they love chocolate.
peanut butter
Try Peanut Butter and or dry dog food kibble
Peanut Butter.
Peanut Butter. Works on any trap.
malt loaf
Cheese and bacon.
i have fount that peanut butter works well. to avoid a mess within the trap, put a gob of PB on a cracker, and set it in there. it worked with my vermin problems... also helped when my friend's pet rat escaped.
I've heard that a rat will travel really far just for egg shells which is why you shouldn't put them in your compost heaps. Rats will bother hen cages as much as a fox will just for the eggs. Maybe you should put a couple of raw eggs and their shells in a little dish?
Chocolate, they absolutely love it.
How do I make extra levels for my rat cage?
How do I make extra levels for my rat cage out of normal, house-hold objects?How do I make extra levels for my rat cage?
I would use the plastic lids that come off butter bowls. The cardboard idea will work except no matter what you use the rat will chew on it, so be careful not to put any thing toxic in there.How do I make extra levels for my rat cage?
I use laminated wood shelving in my rattie's cage. Easy to clean and is much more stable than plastic and cardboard. Or you can get plastic levels at pet shops, but I find they aren't big enough to count as a level.
Well you can make a rat cage out of house hold object but it might not be to safe for your rats plus what you might build may not be sturdy and fall and hurt them but they have leveled rat cages at pet stores
Good Luck -Hope
You could use the card board tube found inside paper towel rolls. And you could use cardboard for a different level, maybe a washcloth as a hammock. Get creative and have fun with your rat!Why is my cat vomiting white foam
I would use the plastic lids that come off butter bowls. The cardboard idea will work except no matter what you use the rat will chew on it, so be careful not to put any thing toxic in there.How do I make extra levels for my rat cage?
I use laminated wood shelving in my rattie's cage. Easy to clean and is much more stable than plastic and cardboard. Or you can get plastic levels at pet shops, but I find they aren't big enough to count as a level.
Well you can make a rat cage out of house hold object but it might not be to safe for your rats plus what you might build may not be sturdy and fall and hurt them but they have leveled rat cages at pet stores
Good Luck -Hope
You could use the card board tube found inside paper towel rolls. And you could use cardboard for a different level, maybe a washcloth as a hammock. Get creative and have fun with your rat!
What do you do with a rat that's stuck on a glue rat trap but still alive?
Help! I feel so mean! I thought they were supposed to die quickly. This sucks!What do you do with a rat that's stuck on a glue rat trap but still alive?
Get rid of the glue traps all for the poor animal stuck in your trap, if you really want to set him free take him outside way away from your house and dump olive oil on his feet and the trap. It should release him and you dont have to get close to him...once he is free trust me if he isnt close to death he isnt going to attack you, he is just going to take off. If he is close to death then there isnt a heck of a lot you can do except to end his I said get rid of hte glue traps. ShazWhat do you do with a rat that's stuck on a glue rat trap but still alive?
It is a rat. -- Kill it. Or at least throw it out back so the neighborhood cat can find it. Throw it in the freezer and close the door. do not open it until tomorrow. Then just throw it away.
I always scoop into a coffe can I won't touch them even with a glove incase they bite. What you do after that is up to you.
Glue traps are probably the nastiest of the rodent traps. The rodent will just lay there and get more and more stuck. It will suffer for 2 or 3 days slowly starving. The glue trap is a mess and likely will stick to you when you pick it up to throw it away. If it's a rat you caught, BE CAREFULL they bite! ! ! Of course, so do mice.
first of all why would u ever use one of those ev il devices. All they do is trap the poor animal so that they can starve to death, after ripping their legs off trying to escape. Sometimes they even get their toungs caught on the glue. Evil Evil things.
Now that u have cause the slow pain and suffering to a little creaturre,u want someone else to help u destroy it. Ok take a hammer and hit it in the head, and then stick urself to a large sheet of sticky paper. never use those evil devices, snap traps are more humaine.
Good Morning KristinB
I tried to answer ur post but it would not go through, so I am answering the post here.
I am sorry that I came down so hard about the live traps. I just do not like traps that does not kill the rodents quickly I understand that with a child in the house that u do not want to use poison.
Maybe U can get ur landlord to get some live traps, those catches the vermin and does not torture them. I use to have lots of mice problems since I have lots of rent houses around my place. I have been luckly to get a nest of nonpoisonous grass snakes living on my property, they keep the mice population down real well. And they do not bother anyone and are harmless.
And U are wrong, there is people out here that really does care. I just have a thing for Mother Natures critters. Everyone of them has a place on Earth, some of them just not in our houses.
Again I am sorry for coming down so hard, But i sure wish that they would quit making those types of traps. No critter deserves to suffer needlessly.
Hope that U and the landlord can get the problem solved.
One of Mother Natures Tree Huggers
well they dont die from sitting in glue
it will die from starvation
just snap the poor lil things neck
Don't feel mean! They did not ask you if they could be there. On a glue trap they are not going to die unless you leave them there to starve. Your best bet is to get the traps, then throw the whole thing away when you catch one (their cheap). Just don't EVER use a ';bait';, they will eat it, then go off somewhere to die, and you have to put up w/ then smell.
Sad to say, but glue traps are more cruel than the old fashioned, spring loaded rat traps that break the creature's neck.
To end its misery quickly you'll need to club it. Throw a garbage bag on top of him and hammer his head in with a heavy object. Be prepared for some clean up. And remember don't get too close to get bitten.
If you had a good pellet gun that would do the job cleaner, but it's not likely that you have one around.
Ziplock bag works quick and less messy.
throw it far away from ur house and ignore it, its mean but i cant bear to kill the thing
If you can't bring yourself to kill the thing, place the whole trap in a garbage bag, then bunch the bag's neck around your car's exhaust pipe. Wrap some tape around to hold it tight on the pipe, and then run the car. The engine will probably die after a bit, because of the exhaust being closed off. But the carbon monoxide will kill the animal well before the engine dies. This is probably one of the most humane ways, short of lethal injection or electrocution (I won't go there...) You could probably also weigh the thing down in a tub of water. But gas is more humane than drowning.
Whatever you do, DON'T leave it out somewhere for other animals to get, unless you are so morbid you want to see the other ones get stuck in the glue as well. That stuff is messy.
poor guy thats why I hate those things.
you have to either hit him with a shovel or drowned him. either way its not a nice experience for you (and definitely not for him)
Get rid of the glue traps all for the poor animal stuck in your trap, if you really want to set him free take him outside way away from your house and dump olive oil on his feet and the trap. It should release him and you dont have to get close to him...once he is free trust me if he isnt close to death he isnt going to attack you, he is just going to take off. If he is close to death then there isnt a heck of a lot you can do except to end his I said get rid of hte glue traps. ShazWhat do you do with a rat that's stuck on a glue rat trap but still alive?
It is a rat. -- Kill it. Or at least throw it out back so the neighborhood cat can find it. Throw it in the freezer and close the door. do not open it until tomorrow. Then just throw it away.
I always scoop into a coffe can I won't touch them even with a glove incase they bite. What you do after that is up to you.
Glue traps are probably the nastiest of the rodent traps. The rodent will just lay there and get more and more stuck. It will suffer for 2 or 3 days slowly starving. The glue trap is a mess and likely will stick to you when you pick it up to throw it away. If it's a rat you caught, BE CAREFULL they bite! ! ! Of course, so do mice.
first of all why would u ever use one of those ev il devices. All they do is trap the poor animal so that they can starve to death, after ripping their legs off trying to escape. Sometimes they even get their toungs caught on the glue. Evil Evil things.
Now that u have cause the slow pain and suffering to a little creaturre,u want someone else to help u destroy it. Ok take a hammer and hit it in the head, and then stick urself to a large sheet of sticky paper. never use those evil devices, snap traps are more humaine.
Good Morning KristinB
I tried to answer ur post but it would not go through, so I am answering the post here.
I am sorry that I came down so hard about the live traps. I just do not like traps that does not kill the rodents quickly I understand that with a child in the house that u do not want to use poison.
Maybe U can get ur landlord to get some live traps, those catches the vermin and does not torture them. I use to have lots of mice problems since I have lots of rent houses around my place. I have been luckly to get a nest of nonpoisonous grass snakes living on my property, they keep the mice population down real well. And they do not bother anyone and are harmless.
And U are wrong, there is people out here that really does care. I just have a thing for Mother Natures critters. Everyone of them has a place on Earth, some of them just not in our houses.
Again I am sorry for coming down so hard, But i sure wish that they would quit making those types of traps. No critter deserves to suffer needlessly.
Hope that U and the landlord can get the problem solved.
One of Mother Natures Tree Huggers
well they dont die from sitting in glue
it will die from starvation
just snap the poor lil things neck
Don't feel mean! They did not ask you if they could be there. On a glue trap they are not going to die unless you leave them there to starve. Your best bet is to get the traps, then throw the whole thing away when you catch one (their cheap). Just don't EVER use a ';bait';, they will eat it, then go off somewhere to die, and you have to put up w/ then smell.
Sad to say, but glue traps are more cruel than the old fashioned, spring loaded rat traps that break the creature's neck.
To end its misery quickly you'll need to club it. Throw a garbage bag on top of him and hammer his head in with a heavy object. Be prepared for some clean up. And remember don't get too close to get bitten.
If you had a good pellet gun that would do the job cleaner, but it's not likely that you have one around.
Ziplock bag works quick and less messy.
throw it far away from ur house and ignore it, its mean but i cant bear to kill the thing
If you can't bring yourself to kill the thing, place the whole trap in a garbage bag, then bunch the bag's neck around your car's exhaust pipe. Wrap some tape around to hold it tight on the pipe, and then run the car. The engine will probably die after a bit, because of the exhaust being closed off. But the carbon monoxide will kill the animal well before the engine dies. This is probably one of the most humane ways, short of lethal injection or electrocution (I won't go there...) You could probably also weigh the thing down in a tub of water. But gas is more humane than drowning.
Whatever you do, DON'T leave it out somewhere for other animals to get, unless you are so morbid you want to see the other ones get stuck in the glue as well. That stuff is messy.
poor guy thats why I hate those things.
you have to either hit him with a shovel or drowned him. either way its not a nice experience for you (and definitely not for him)
What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
What would happen to someone if they consumed RAT POISON FOR 7 DAYS STRAIGHT?
I dont knw if this is will help but I the plastic had the word bromadiolone on it. I think thats the name or it contained that
So what are the signs of poisoning and when I will I notice it
Whats the worst that could happen to me?What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
you would be dead by now. go to the hopsital now!What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
You need to call poison control or go to the hospital NOW!!!!
um well you might want to call poisin control center but some gum has rat poison in it and my mom wont let me chew it
I dont knw if this is will help but I the plastic had the word bromadiolone on it. I think thats the name or it contained that
So what are the signs of poisoning and when I will I notice it
Whats the worst that could happen to me?What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
you would be dead by now. go to the hopsital now!What would happen to someone if they consumed rat poison?
You need to call poison control or go to the hospital NOW!!!!
um well you might want to call poisin control center but some gum has rat poison in it and my mom wont let me chew it
Can you put a female dumbo rat with a female blue rat in the same cage?
Ive been wanting two rats but i want them to be different breeds.Why?No clue.Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you.Can you put a female dumbo rat with a female blue rat in the same cage?
They're not different breeds, they're both the same breed - rats. One has gray fur and one has dumbo ears - that's the only difference. Yes, if they get along, you can keep them together without any problems since they are same sex. You can also find a breeder who has both of these types of rats for you - or solve your problem and get 2 blue dumbo siblings and that way they came from the same breeder/litter and should get along fine. You are not going to find dumbos or blues in a big box pet store unless someone screwed up somewhere. Find a local rescue or shelter, or a good local breeder (you might need to get on a waiting list).Can you put a female dumbo rat with a female blue rat in the same cage?
I think that would be okay. I had 2 fancy mice and decided that it was time for another mouse. It was a different kind of mouse. (About twice the size of the fancy mice but not as big as a rat) They were a bit mean at first but after I kept an eye on them they got along. After that they were all best friends. Haha! :) Good Luck!
- Nicole
yes, but take them both in to neutral territory first, bed, floor, ect ect. just not the cage, let them get used to each other and then put them together. you can put any kind of rat with any kind of rat you want to. its just a matter of them getting along and getting to know each other in a non threatening manner
Yes, what mudd said. They're not different breeds, they're just have different markings.
And it'll be fine as long as you introduce them to each other slowly.
Or, get two from the same litter and you won't have any problems as long as they're the same sex.
They're not different breeds, they're both the same breed - rats. One has gray fur and one has dumbo ears - that's the only difference. Yes, if they get along, you can keep them together without any problems since they are same sex. You can also find a breeder who has both of these types of rats for you - or solve your problem and get 2 blue dumbo siblings and that way they came from the same breeder/litter and should get along fine. You are not going to find dumbos or blues in a big box pet store unless someone screwed up somewhere. Find a local rescue or shelter, or a good local breeder (you might need to get on a waiting list).Can you put a female dumbo rat with a female blue rat in the same cage?
I think that would be okay. I had 2 fancy mice and decided that it was time for another mouse. It was a different kind of mouse. (About twice the size of the fancy mice but not as big as a rat) They were a bit mean at first but after I kept an eye on them they got along. After that they were all best friends. Haha! :) Good Luck!
- Nicole
yes, but take them both in to neutral territory first, bed, floor, ect ect. just not the cage, let them get used to each other and then put them together. you can put any kind of rat with any kind of rat you want to. its just a matter of them getting along and getting to know each other in a non threatening manner
Yes, what mudd said. They're not different breeds, they're just have different markings.
And it'll be fine as long as you introduce them to each other slowly.
Or, get two from the same litter and you won't have any problems as long as they're the same sex.
My pet rat won't wear his harness, how do I get him comfortable in it?
I recently bought a harness for my pet rat because they need lots of interaction, and it can get boring in my apartment. I've seen people walking their pet rats, and wish mine would learn to enjoy it. He just plops down on his furry butt and cries in complaint. He's not really squeaking like a rat in pain, just one of his frustrated squeaks he makes when I take his snacks away. Help?My pet rat won't wear his harness, how do I get him comfortable in it?
Interaction means he can play with you on the bed or sofa, at your computer, in the bathtub, etc., you don't necessarily need to take him for a walk, but if you want to, then try the steps below.
You have to realize this is new for him and he will have to get used to it first. Put it on and since he likes to plop down, put him up on your shoulder and walk around the apartment with him. Do this several times. This will let him know you are not going to let anything happen to him. You can also take him outside this way, harness on, but up on your shoulder. Graduate to the sofa or bed and see if he will walk on his own. Once he does this a few times, then graduate to the floor and see how it goes. If all is well, then try taking him outside and see if he likes the ground, once again, this will be a new area, so it might take a few tries.
I hope this information helps you.
Pet Rat ForumMy pet rat won't wear his harness, how do I get him comfortable in it?
get him used to it by walking him round the house.
I never managed to get any of my rats to walk in the harness, the most I got out of them was a tolerance of wearing it for short periods of time. I'd suggest getting a second rat so you don't feel so bad about him being by himself.鈥?/a>
pretty much the only way is to try and try and try with the harness.
just keep it on him all the time so he gets used to it. Or make it something good like treats=harness
Interaction means he can play with you on the bed or sofa, at your computer, in the bathtub, etc., you don't necessarily need to take him for a walk, but if you want to, then try the steps below.
You have to realize this is new for him and he will have to get used to it first. Put it on and since he likes to plop down, put him up on your shoulder and walk around the apartment with him. Do this several times. This will let him know you are not going to let anything happen to him. You can also take him outside this way, harness on, but up on your shoulder. Graduate to the sofa or bed and see if he will walk on his own. Once he does this a few times, then graduate to the floor and see how it goes. If all is well, then try taking him outside and see if he likes the ground, once again, this will be a new area, so it might take a few tries.
I hope this information helps you.
Pet Rat ForumMy pet rat won't wear his harness, how do I get him comfortable in it?
get him used to it by walking him round the house.
I never managed to get any of my rats to walk in the harness, the most I got out of them was a tolerance of wearing it for short periods of time. I'd suggest getting a second rat so you don't feel so bad about him being by himself.鈥?/a>
pretty much the only way is to try and try and try with the harness.
just keep it on him all the time so he gets used to it. Or make it something good like treats=harness
How much would a hamster,gerbil or a rat costs at a regular pet store?
I about to go out and buy one of the three and I would like to know how much they cost before I go out and get one and wich one would you personally rather have and why?How much would a hamster,gerbil or a rat costs at a regular pet store?
well if you go to petco, there is an adoption table (usally)
and they usally have rats on the adoption table
and anything that is on the adoption table is free
but a normal rat would cost about 3-10$
which isnt so bad. i prefer to have rats because hamster and gerbils are more likly to bite but can still be very loving like all critters. have fun with your new critter. good luckHow much would a hamster,gerbil or a rat costs at a regular pet store?
You should get a rat. They are the best because they are usally the sweetest and they love to be held. Hamsters and gerbils dont. I just got two large baby rats 2 days ago and they costed $10 each. And I bought them all their stuff(including water bottle, food bowl, food, hut, and large cage) and them for almost $80 so it is very cheap. But I do advise you to get two of them because they hate being alone and will often become depressed and lonely by themselves.
They're all pretty much between 10-12$
Gerbils are the most social and active. If you get a partner of the same sex for them, they won't be able to breed but will have company and then you don't need to spend a lot of time with them. All you do is feed them every day and make sure their water is always fresh. Play with them around 15 minutes a day and then once in a while (weekly) clean out their cage and give them a bath in chinchilla dust. It's so cute to watch- they roll around and then their fur is shiny when they're done. Gerbils are cute, fun, friendly, inexpensive, easily entertained, and not time-consuming at all.
The total cost for 2 gerbils, a 10-gallon aquarium, toys, food, bedding, and other incidentals is $75-85 they're cheap and make awesome pets! Good luck!
im guessing 20-30
rat prolly cheeper.
i would want a rat though.
Well personally I would deffinately get a pair of rats, they are so sweet and cuddley and they will love you forever if u treat them right but you MUST get a pair no matter how much you play with them. Rata are very social and need company. I heard gerbils bite and hamsters run away. Theyy don't love you like a rat does.
hamsters $10-20, gerbils the same, rats $30-40. I have 3 hamsters all bought at petsmart, all in their own cages since they are solitary animals.
Rats will run you about $5 each, but they're really great pets. They're self aware, which means they can think and have feelings, much like we do. Each one has a personality. You'll want to pick one that comes when you click your tongue at it or squeek through your teeth, as it'll be readilly sociable.
I like female rats, as they're less musky and tend to explore more. You DO NOT have to get a pair of rats if you play with the one enough. I find that they stay more ';rat-like'; if there's another rat around. If they stay solo, they socialize to YOU instead.
They're also trainable to do tricks and even use a litter box.
Here's a few of my favorite sites:
well if you go to petco, there is an adoption table (usally)
and they usally have rats on the adoption table
and anything that is on the adoption table is free
but a normal rat would cost about 3-10$
which isnt so bad. i prefer to have rats because hamster and gerbils are more likly to bite but can still be very loving like all critters. have fun with your new critter. good luckHow much would a hamster,gerbil or a rat costs at a regular pet store?
You should get a rat. They are the best because they are usally the sweetest and they love to be held. Hamsters and gerbils dont. I just got two large baby rats 2 days ago and they costed $10 each. And I bought them all their stuff(including water bottle, food bowl, food, hut, and large cage) and them for almost $80 so it is very cheap. But I do advise you to get two of them because they hate being alone and will often become depressed and lonely by themselves.
They're all pretty much between 10-12$
Gerbils are the most social and active. If you get a partner of the same sex for them, they won't be able to breed but will have company and then you don't need to spend a lot of time with them. All you do is feed them every day and make sure their water is always fresh. Play with them around 15 minutes a day and then once in a while (weekly) clean out their cage and give them a bath in chinchilla dust. It's so cute to watch- they roll around and then their fur is shiny when they're done. Gerbils are cute, fun, friendly, inexpensive, easily entertained, and not time-consuming at all.
The total cost for 2 gerbils, a 10-gallon aquarium, toys, food, bedding, and other incidentals is $75-85 they're cheap and make awesome pets! Good luck!
im guessing 20-30
rat prolly cheeper.
i would want a rat though.
Well personally I would deffinately get a pair of rats, they are so sweet and cuddley and they will love you forever if u treat them right but you MUST get a pair no matter how much you play with them. Rata are very social and need company. I heard gerbils bite and hamsters run away. Theyy don't love you like a rat does.
hamsters $10-20, gerbils the same, rats $30-40. I have 3 hamsters all bought at petsmart, all in their own cages since they are solitary animals.
Rats will run you about $5 each, but they're really great pets. They're self aware, which means they can think and have feelings, much like we do. Each one has a personality. You'll want to pick one that comes when you click your tongue at it or squeek through your teeth, as it'll be readilly sociable.
I like female rats, as they're less musky and tend to explore more. You DO NOT have to get a pair of rats if you play with the one enough. I find that they stay more ';rat-like'; if there's another rat around. If they stay solo, they socialize to YOU instead.
They're also trainable to do tricks and even use a litter box.
Here's a few of my favorite sites:
Is a rat a good low maintance (not including attention) animal for me?
I am a low income college student that is considering a pet rat. I have heard they are quite an awesome pet and I am really considering one but don't know too much about them. Is a male or female better? I hear males they mark territory and don't want to deal with that but i don't really know. Do they require a lot of maintance? Are they the kind of pet that will just chill on your shoulder?Is a rat a good low maintance (not including attention) animal for me?
Males will rub their gland across things and leave a trail if you don't neuter them.
If smell bothers you, and you can't afford a neuter, get a female.
Females are fun. Males are laid back, and females like to explore and run around.
The cage will cost you the most.
I personally made my cage for less than $10. Soaked hardware mesh and a recycle guinea pig cage pan = win.
Otherwise, a rat cage will run you a good $100 for a decent sized one.
You can easily train your rat to sit on your shoulder, but a female will be more apt to run back and forth around your neck. All three of my babies do.
The food is rather cheap. Lab blocks are the staple food, $2 a box at walmart or cheaper in bulk from a pet store.
Then you can give them your dinner scraps. Cooked noodles, cooked rice, cooked chicken bones, pieces of chicken or steak, vegetable. Anything they'll steal off your plate really.
Litter will cost a bit. I recommend Kaytee Soft-sorbent which is at petsmart for $16 a bag, but this bag will last you so long.
If you're not going to be home much, I recommend lots of hammocks, toys, and a friend!
Two is better than one.
I had one for so long and she became nippy from not having a friend, so I bought another and she became so sweet. I can walk around with both of them on my shoulder, offering pieces of millet spray as treats to let them know they're good girls.
I have one that'll sit in my hood and I'll walk through the store or the mall with her. ;) Secretly, of course.
They're low maintenance in that they don't require a lot of action to keep them happy, but they'll still need you to be there for them to run around on.Is a rat a good low maintance (not including attention) animal for me?
Rats do make fun pets, are pretty low maintance considering housing/bedding and food. They arnt terribly long gived, usually 3+ I believe. Personally if you do buy one I would sujjest a female, males tent to smell more and like you said mark things. Also cage cleaning as important as they can be abit messy with food and what not. I also think it really depends on the personality of the animal.. Some will probably just chill with you, other my perfer exploring rather then just sitting.
Edit.. Above me is talking about cages, but I wanted to add that at some garage sales I've seen wicked nice cages for really cheap.. So if your one of those people who don't mind looking around, that could be a really good find.
Rats are brilliant pets! Normally the males are more active, and the females more layed back. You can toilet train them. My current ones are males and they are toilet trained, and very friendly. They have to be trained to sit on your shoulder, but all you do is pick them up and place them their without leaning forward. Here is a good site:;id=685747
Rats are fun pets and I recommemd that you do buy two at least. If you buy just one, you will have to give him/her lots of attention otherwise it will be lonely, and untame.
rats are great pets but just like any pet, they still need attention. they are low maintenance compared to other pets. males are actually calmer than females. i think its a great pet and yes, you can train it to chill on your shoulder but dont forget to still give it a lot of attention
I own a rat that I got as a very tiny baby. It is a male. It was supposed to be snake food for someones snake but I rescued it from them. I think I would have picked a female if I would have had a choice but I didn't. As it turns out the males are very awesome pets so I am glad I didn't have a choice. Females tend to like to wander around and do their own thing and males are more opt to spending quality time with their owners and sticking close by. My male is now huge and doesn't pee or poop when outside his cage. Rats are very cool.They need food and a nice size cage with a secure lid. But as far as money they are low maintenance. But if you want one that is shoulder trained and trained to not poop outside the cage you must be willing to spend a good amount of time with him/her to train them and get them used to you. I would start with a baby, as then you can train them for how you want your pet to be. I spend a lot of time with mine dailey. Mine has a 20 gallon aquarium but a 10 should do also. Mine comes out 3 to 4 times a day for 30 to 90 minutes each time or he gets very lonely. When I first got him I spent alot of time with him and it was very easy to train him to like being handled and kissed. He loves to run up my back and go on my shoulder or pockets voluntarily. He never poops or pees on me or my belongings and he doesn't chew my stuff but in his cage I provide a chew toy for him because rats teeth always grow and they need to have chew toys to trim them down or they grow so long they can no longer eat. When I started spending all the time with my rat I already knew I wanted and was willing to have a pet that was used to getting that much attention. Once you give them a certain amount of time a day they look forward to being with you as they are very social, smart animals and love companionship. So if you can't spend alot of time you may want to have two as they need the attention and companionship weather it's human or rat. But just don't start out giving tons of time and love and drop down to none because they become very dependant on you if there is only one. Mine knows the schedule and starts jumping in his cage to the lid 30 minutes before its time to come out. And yes they can jump high. I have seen mine jump almost 2 feet high but think twice before teaching them that because it is not always a good thing.Why is my cat vomiting white foam
Males will rub their gland across things and leave a trail if you don't neuter them.
If smell bothers you, and you can't afford a neuter, get a female.
Females are fun. Males are laid back, and females like to explore and run around.
The cage will cost you the most.
I personally made my cage for less than $10. Soaked hardware mesh and a recycle guinea pig cage pan = win.
Otherwise, a rat cage will run you a good $100 for a decent sized one.
You can easily train your rat to sit on your shoulder, but a female will be more apt to run back and forth around your neck. All three of my babies do.
The food is rather cheap. Lab blocks are the staple food, $2 a box at walmart or cheaper in bulk from a pet store.
Then you can give them your dinner scraps. Cooked noodles, cooked rice, cooked chicken bones, pieces of chicken or steak, vegetable. Anything they'll steal off your plate really.
Litter will cost a bit. I recommend Kaytee Soft-sorbent which is at petsmart for $16 a bag, but this bag will last you so long.
If you're not going to be home much, I recommend lots of hammocks, toys, and a friend!
Two is better than one.
I had one for so long and she became nippy from not having a friend, so I bought another and she became so sweet. I can walk around with both of them on my shoulder, offering pieces of millet spray as treats to let them know they're good girls.
I have one that'll sit in my hood and I'll walk through the store or the mall with her. ;) Secretly, of course.
They're low maintenance in that they don't require a lot of action to keep them happy, but they'll still need you to be there for them to run around on.Is a rat a good low maintance (not including attention) animal for me?
Rats do make fun pets, are pretty low maintance considering housing/bedding and food. They arnt terribly long gived, usually 3+ I believe. Personally if you do buy one I would sujjest a female, males tent to smell more and like you said mark things. Also cage cleaning as important as they can be abit messy with food and what not. I also think it really depends on the personality of the animal.. Some will probably just chill with you, other my perfer exploring rather then just sitting.
Edit.. Above me is talking about cages, but I wanted to add that at some garage sales I've seen wicked nice cages for really cheap.. So if your one of those people who don't mind looking around, that could be a really good find.
Rats are brilliant pets! Normally the males are more active, and the females more layed back. You can toilet train them. My current ones are males and they are toilet trained, and very friendly. They have to be trained to sit on your shoulder, but all you do is pick them up and place them their without leaning forward. Here is a good site:;id=685747
Rats are fun pets and I recommemd that you do buy two at least. If you buy just one, you will have to give him/her lots of attention otherwise it will be lonely, and untame.
rats are great pets but just like any pet, they still need attention. they are low maintenance compared to other pets. males are actually calmer than females. i think its a great pet and yes, you can train it to chill on your shoulder but dont forget to still give it a lot of attention
I own a rat that I got as a very tiny baby. It is a male. It was supposed to be snake food for someones snake but I rescued it from them. I think I would have picked a female if I would have had a choice but I didn't. As it turns out the males are very awesome pets so I am glad I didn't have a choice. Females tend to like to wander around and do their own thing and males are more opt to spending quality time with their owners and sticking close by. My male is now huge and doesn't pee or poop when outside his cage. Rats are very cool.They need food and a nice size cage with a secure lid. But as far as money they are low maintenance. But if you want one that is shoulder trained and trained to not poop outside the cage you must be willing to spend a good amount of time with him/her to train them and get them used to you. I would start with a baby, as then you can train them for how you want your pet to be. I spend a lot of time with mine dailey. Mine has a 20 gallon aquarium but a 10 should do also. Mine comes out 3 to 4 times a day for 30 to 90 minutes each time or he gets very lonely. When I first got him I spent alot of time with him and it was very easy to train him to like being handled and kissed. He loves to run up my back and go on my shoulder or pockets voluntarily. He never poops or pees on me or my belongings and he doesn't chew my stuff but in his cage I provide a chew toy for him because rats teeth always grow and they need to have chew toys to trim them down or they grow so long they can no longer eat. When I started spending all the time with my rat I already knew I wanted and was willing to have a pet that was used to getting that much attention. Once you give them a certain amount of time a day they look forward to being with you as they are very social, smart animals and love companionship. So if you can't spend alot of time you may want to have two as they need the attention and companionship weather it's human or rat. But just don't start out giving tons of time and love and drop down to none because they become very dependant on you if there is only one. Mine knows the schedule and starts jumping in his cage to the lid 30 minutes before its time to come out. And yes they can jump high. I have seen mine jump almost 2 feet high but think twice before teaching them that because it is not always a good thing.
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