Friday, February 12, 2010

Is there anyone else that doesn't give a rats a$$ about the world cup?

What world cup?Is there anyone else that doesn't give a rats a$$ about the world cup?
obvisouly you are not a sport person, if you are.Is there anyone else that doesn't give a rats a$$ about the world cup?
I hate football BIGTIME and these stupid tacky flags on cars! when england play a decent team it will all be over, so hang in there.
Your dog???
I haven't been watching the World Cup at all.

Isn't this mostly a European and African sport? I am from Canada and the Stanley Cup is still going, so guess where my heart is?
No i don't care about it
tons of ppl in the us cuz we try and b different and call it soccer and also we no were gonna loose to italy soon
i hate football!!!
World cup should actually be called ';soccer mom central'; Id watch it for sure!
The what?
i could not care 1 iota or 2 simple sloth's birthday parties or 3 hiatus hernia'd mongeese or 4 blow worm infested uran-utans with a nice shampoo and set and lipstick to match ABOUT WORLD CUP GOBLRT or BEAKER...

i hate the's simple JUST KICK IT in a metal frame, they just ALWAYS have men trying to stop them do the simple irritating... heee hheeeee heeeee
no, and u r an idiot not to watch the most interesting and popular tournament in the world (aside from the Olympics)
The fact that you are asking shows you know the majority of the WORLD is watching and/or does care.

If you are afraid you would be bored you should try to expand (and open) your mind a little.

Like parents tell small children at least try it you never know you might actually like it.
no coz the WC is brilliant
Yes, myself. I don't care.
I love it
i'm with ya i cant watch that action in soccer just a bunch of running back and forth and passing to the goalie so he can kick the ball halfway down field and start the whole boring process over again.

Hockey is my sport no out of bounds if your gonna get hit your gonna get hit.lots of shots scoring chances and goals.Fighting is not permitted but is tollerated it rules WC soccer sucks.
i dont,im more interested in the stanley country didnt even qualify,thats sad,
Indeed, I can't stand it, and would rather saw my own legs off than watch it... Societally, it gives us nothing but tribalism and worse, nationalism, and the accompanying violence, the pundits never get tired of spouting the most inane drivel, this is all a distraction from the real issues of our lives, and just look at the pollution caused by millions of 'fans' world-wide each travelling up to hundreds of miles to watch a ball being kicked around a field.

Dogs will chase a ball!
only gay men or scottish people cant give a rats *** about it and i bet your both.
No probably not!

Don't bother troubling us with your questions if you don't like it. This section is here to talk about the World Cup not to slag it off.

People who are all here just to have a go at the vast majority who like football should get a life an tolerate the fact that the world's most played sport is football.

If you don't like it go somewhere else and moan. Stop spoiling the enjoyment for the rest of us.

Everyone knows what and where the World Cup happens its a global event involving entire continents in the qualifiers and 32 teams in the finals. If you don't like it, think its crap or gay, go somewhere else where the World Cup won't affect you and stop moaning to the people who enjoy it.
No I dont care to much for it.
No because it brings people on a high and gives them some excitement while their team is doing well.It makes people forget

all the bad things like terrorism and people being killed evry day,

but if you are not a fan you can watch the other channel.Imagine

if England did win,the feel good factor in England would be fantastic
na i think u alone on this one duh u in the world cup section of answers what do u think we are doin here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! geez
i dont

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