Sunday, February 7, 2010

How often should I clean a rat cage?

How often should I replace the bedding for my two rats?How often should I clean a rat cage?
at least once a week or they STINK!How often should I clean a rat cage?
There are lots of answers for this one. If they begin to smell then obviously change the cage. Try using carefresh or Yesterday's news cat litter for bedding. High quality aspen is also amazing for odor control. But only aspen, please avoid all other wood-based shavings. A rat's odor can also be determined by the foods they eat and what kind of rat food theyr'e on. Cheap rat food *Kaytee* will probably give them bad smelling poo.

You can also litter train them, or they may litter train themselves (Pooping and peeing in a corner, etc). Your cage should be wire and not a tank. :) Good luck!
Please don't listen to the person who said they get really smelly. They do not smell half as bad as a hamster or guinea pig.

You should change the bedding every 2-3 days, and wash the cage once a week. If you do that you should be pretty happy with the way it smells.

Good luck with your ratties.

I have 2 of them.
I have one rat that I clean every four to five days. Also, you didn't ask, but steer clear of cedar and pine wood shavings. They can damage your rat's respiratory system and cause liver problems. Here is one of my favorite sites:
You should change out the bedding at least once a week, but about twice is preferable, especially if you have more than one rat.
If it's a big big cage, once every two weeks. Smaller ginea pig cages need to be cleaned once a week.
try every two or three days. I have 5 rats and i clean mine every two days.
at least 1 time per week. They get really smelly... assuming you didnt litter train them.

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